
Showing posts with the label 02/02/2020

Corona Virus, 5G And The Anti-Christ.

Recently, a speculation had been going on social media and even offline about the relationship between COVID-19 and 5G network. By the way, 5G network is a super speed mobile network that can download and upload data of 10 to 20 GB within a second. It was formally launched last year (2019) and since, it has been installed in some cities of the world.  The network is the initiative of the Chinese based telecommunications company; Huawei Ericsson, Samsung and others. 5G network is huge step in the development of technology worldwide and it would have been welcomed by all and sundry if not for rumors that it is connected with the advent of Corona Virus and NWO (New World Order). The New world Order is a rumoured powerful organization that consists of some powerful men and women worldwide whose major objective is to bring the whole world under the same government, thereby fulfilling  the biblical prophecy of the end time. Initially, many people have been pointing accusing fingers...


Dear Sharon, be careful of corona virus.  At Home, Dear daughter, its been a very long  time since we corresponded. Since December last year, I have not heard any response from you and I am worried about you. How are you doing? I hope you are good and fine? How is studies going over there in the US? The world is battling a common enemy now so I am sure that you know what this letter is about. The corona virus is a transmittable virus which is carried through the body fluid of an infected person. We have been hearing a lot of heart breaking news since its outbreak last year in Wuhan Province, China. Because Nigerian economy is largely tied to China, we have been indirectly affected by the havoc wrecked by this reckless virus.  Our government has been boasting left and right and telling anyone who cares to listen that this country is more than adequate to fight the virus if it should enter this country. Unfortunately, this virus is now in Nigeria. It came in th...


Today is a palindromic day! A palindrome is a word, phrase, or sequence that reads the same backwards as forwards, e.g.  madam  or  nurses run . A  palindrome  is a type of word play in which a word, phrase, or sentence reads the same backward or forward. These are some examples of palindromes: bib , bob boob , bub , dad , deed did , dod , dud eke, Elle , eme , ere , eve , ewe , eye gag, gig , gog , hah, hallah , huh kayak, keek non, noon , nun pap, peep , pep, pip, poop, pop, pup, radar, redder, refer, repaper, rever, , reviver, rotator, rotor . Palindromes are quite very common in words, phrases and common but they don’t usually occur in numbers. They are extremely rare in dates. For instance, imagine a day that is written as 1/1/1111 or a crazy date like 2/2/2222 and so on. The last date that was a palindrome was in 12/12/12. That was about eight years ago. The dates with the perfect palindromes are very rare to the extent that sometimes...