Aunt Lola traveled through the desert to Libya. (Continued from the previous part) One Monday morning, when Aunt Lola was preparing to go out to sell, she took Kim along and both of them had to jump on a moving bus to their destination. At their destination, Kim was given a bowl filled with chilled satchel water to sell. Her aunt carried another bowl filled with bottle soft drinks. “Follow me” her aunt said as they walked into the middle of the congested road, vehicles moving on either side of them. Kim’s heart was beating madly for fear of being crushed the reckless Lagos drivers. “Buy mineral, buy coke!” her aunt hollered, shoving the drinks through the half opened windows as some drivers and pedestrians bought her wares. “Rose, don’t just stand there like a statue, move and sell those things or do you want to drink everything by yourself?” her aunt shouted at her and Rose began moving, dodging the reckless cars and barely selling anything in the process because s...