ECHOS FROM YESTERDAY 3. I found myself on a cold-hard-dirty floor when I opened my eyes. The room was in pitch darkness so for several moments, I was blinded by the darkness. While I was still in this semiconscious state, I could feel that I was not alone in the place. I tried to move but it was impossible because my hands and legs were tied tightly with a rope that was already eating deep into my flesh. I tried to scream but I couldn't because I was gagged too. I struggled and wriggled but there was no way out of the captivity. For several moments, this continued until I was tired and exhausted then I slumped back to the floor, shivering and moaning. Whoever it was that was in the room with me didn't say a word or make a move. But I could feel his or her pressence like an impending doom. Suddenly, a door opened somewhere and a flood of sunlight rushed in. I was once again, blinded. I squeezed my eyes tight so my brain could adjust to the sudden brightness then I slowly o...