(Continued from the previous part) Kim lived happily with the Smiths. Mr. Smith told them the story and by the time he finished, the Isholas were almost moved to compassion for the ‘poor little thing’ as Mrs. Ishola put it. “Smith, you have done the right thing. Honestly. But, I think you have involved yourself too much. Instead of taking her into your house just like that, you should have taken her to the police; they will know how to find her family and you will be free!” “That’s true” Mrs. Ishola conceded. “Besides, her medical condition makes things worse. There is no school that will accept her with those noises she makes at ten seconds intervals” “I did take her to a police station after her mother’s burial and wrote a report of how she came into my possession for security reasons. After my report, I told the policemen on duty that I would leave her with them but they refused. They all said that I should go with her and fix her up till they conduct their investigati...