GONE. Its been six months since we packed to our rooms. Mums condition grew worse but weve all come to learn to live with it. She seldom eat. Most times I have to spoon-feed her to prevent her from starving to death. Whatever was bothering her, she didnt tell us. She kept to herself and talked to no one. During the 6 months, I sat for another exam and I made the remaining papers but since Ive assumed the position of the family bread winner and manager, I couldnt dream of pursuing higher education until my mother comes back to her former self and take the family burden off my young shoulders. One fateful Tuesday morning, we got up as usual and began preparing for school and work place when Elizabeth rushed in screaming incoherently. At first, we all ignored her because she used to overact sometimes. But we started paying attention when we continued hearing mummy in her cries. Lizzy, whats wrong? I asked finally, irritated that I have to spend a couple of minutes out of my limited ti...