Terms And Conditions.
Below are the terms and conditions which every user of this website must comply with. Each categories of users have the terms and conditions pertaining to them according to the level of usage and information sharing.
For All Users.
All users are to know that the information contained on any of the pages from this website are most gotten from other sources while few are gotten first-hand. Therefore, we will not be blamable for  any incorrect information  and or what is considered a propaganda. The use of information provided by each user is secure and will not be shared with anyone without taking necessary permission from the user.
Finally, verbal or virtual attacks of other users or the owner(s) of this website shall not be tolerated. We implore all users to be civil in dealing with the other users and owner(s) of this property.
For Writers.
To our writers, we believe so much in authenticity of your work and we will not be held responsible for any act of plagiarism where due credit is not given to the real owner of any work you are sharing on our blog. Plagiarism is a crime against innovation and creativity so we forbid its usage on this site. However, we encourage you to seek necessary permission from the owners of any content you wish to share and get approval before sharing on this blog.
You will only be paid if for your writing if the number of readers on your post has reached certain number deem fit by the admin(s).

For Job/Vacancies Seekers.
For those users who are looking for jobs and vacancies, please note that we are getting updates from other sources that specialize in such matters. So whatever you follow from this site is not part of our pages and we implore you not to pay any site without proper documentation. In fact, genuine job sites don’t collect money before linking job seekers with their prospective employers. So beware!

For Our Advertisers.
We promise to advertise your goods and services to your potentials customers on this blog. There is no fixed price for each advert, it depends on the content of the products and services to be sold and the marketing strategies employed in advertising such products. We use three means to advertise your products. These are :
1.     Mail marketing strategy – This is a strategy that we use in mailing your customers about your latest products and discounts offered by your outlets. This is the effective marketing strategy because it usually results in higher sales than the other two methods, therefore it cost more.
2.     Social Media Outlet –We use this medium to advertise your goods and services on our social media pages and direct people to purchase from you.
3.     Website/blog ads- This is a method that we use to your products on our blogs and websites to drive sales to you.

Finally, all users are bound by the terms and conditions listed above and they can change at any time without prior notice to the user at the discretion of the admin(s) so we implore you to constantly check this space to check up the latest additions 


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