HND/BSc. Rant HQ War.

Is Bsc better than HND? Today I was bored so I decided to past time on Facebook, checking people’s statuses and updates. In my notifications, I got a notification about something on Rant HQ (I can’t exactly remember what the notification was all about but I clicked it and it took me to Rant HQ. While scrolling through the posts on the group, a particular post caught my attention and I decided to take a chill pill and read up. The post was from a guy lamenting the stigmatization that comes with being a HND holder and how Bsc. Holders are considered to be far better than HND holders. In the post, he pointed out that HND holders while in school were professionals who were taught the practical’s unlike their university counterparts whose curriculums are filled with inapplicable theories. He said and I quote “I bet, most University graduates cannot stand their polytechnics counterparts when it comes to practical in the field of study…never think that you are better tha...