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Words And Antonyms For Those who wants to write an exam

For The Candidates Who Want To Write An Exam, Read This: Common Opposites - Antonyms Vocabulary Word List More on Antonyms ▶ More Word Banks ▶ Table of Contents A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z A absent - present abundant - scarce accept - decline, refuse accurate - inaccurate admit - deny advantage - disadvantage against - for agree - disagree alive - dead all - none, nothing ally - enemy always - never ancient - modern answer - question antonym - synonym apart - together appear - disappear, vanish approve - disapprove arrive - depart artificial - natural ascend - descend attic - cellar attractive - repulsive awake - asleep B backward - forward bad - good beautiful - ugly before - after begin - end below - above bent - straight best - worst better - worse, worst big - little, small bitter - sweet black - white blame - praise b


B Many students don't know the meanings of the following terms,  yet they are often used by external examination bodies in examinations. Study the meanings of each term and memorize them. 527 groups - A political organization, not affiliated with a party, that can raise and spend soft money; named after a section of the Internal Revenue Code. 2. absentee ballot - A ballot, usually sent in the mail, that allows those who cannot go to their precinct on election day to vote. 3. absolutism - The belief that the government should have all the power and be able to do whatever it wants. 4. acquisitive model - A view of bureaucracies that argues agency heads seek to expand the size, budget, and power of their agency. 5. actual malice - Knowingly printing falsehoods in order to harm a person’s reputation. 6. administrative adjudication - The bureaucratic function of settling disputes by relying on rules and precedents. 7. affirm - An action by the Supreme Court to uphold a rulin


Amazing  — incredible, unbelievable, improbable, fabulous, wonderful, fantastic, astonishing, astounding, extraordinary Anger  — enrage, infuriate, arouse, nettle, exasperate, inflame, madden Angry  — mad, furious, enraged, excited, wrathful, indignant, exasperated, aroused, inflamed Answer  — reply, respond, retort, acknowledge Ask- — question, inquire of, seek information from, put a question to, demand, request, expect, inquire, query, interrogate, examine, quiz Awful  — dreadful, terrible, abominable, bad, poor, unpleasant Bad  — evil, immoral, wicked, corrupt, sinful, depraved, rotten, contaminated, spoiled, tainted, harmful, injurious, unfavorable, defective, inferior, imperfect, substandard, faulty, improper, inappropriate, unsuitable, disagreeable, unpleasant, cross, nasty, unfriendly, irascible, horrible, atrocious, outrageous, scandalous, infamous, wrong, noxious, sinister, putrid, snide, deplorable, dismal, gross, heinous, nefarious, base, obnoxious, detestable, desp