He was patiently telling this driver to be patient. The hero in action! Untired and relentless, he kept working! Free flow traffic.... Well done, good Nigerian. His little efforts were yielding significant results. Today, a hero triggered a memory of what I did last year. Let me quickly gist you before I tell you what this Unknown Hero did. Sometimes in the middle of last year, (one of those days when rain would fall endlessly from morning to evening), I was delayed at work that day because the rain was falling relentlessly. The time was getting to 8PM, yet the rain showed no sign of stopping so I decided to leave all the same, knowing that I would get wet the first thirty seconds of entering the rain but not minding the wetness because I had no choice. Few paces away from the office, I reached the main road and it was a mess. An electric pole had fallen and it lay across the road, preventing vehicles from all sides from moving. In the middle of t...