
Showing posts with the label the Nigerian revolution


Nigeria is a joke (I'm not sorry to say this). To hell with the lies and curtseys that our so called leaders preach every day since they do not live by it. Rather, they instigate mayhem and violence and hide under the cloak peace and unity! I've seen several videos and pictures of violence and killings in the country today because of this election. A guy was cold-bloodedly stoned to death and later burnt because he was accused of disrupting the electoral activities in Okota area of Lagos. While I was watching the videos of this act, I grieved in my heart and wished I could get hold of these irresponsible leaders and make them watch what they have turned the youths in this country to! I wish I could punch them in the face and remove their front teeth in the process. I wish they could watch the video and imagine their own children being murdered that way! But I can only wish. This fight, This struggle, This anger and resentment that threatens to rip me apart seems to be ...