In Dependence book summary. Today, I want to review a book written by a Nigerian born author; Sarah Ladipo Manyika. I picked up the book a couple of years ago when it was recommended for JAMB candidates. The book is actually very interesting BUT for an average Nigerian, it is boring. I have met many people- especially the youths and teenagers who think the book is “boring”. We shall talk about the whys later on in this review. But for now, let’s take a look at the book itself before we start considering what people think. In this review, there are different sections or parts and they are numbered below: About the author. The background of the book The Summary of the book The characters in the book Commentaries on the book The criticism of the book. About Sarah Ladipo Manyika Sarah Ladipo Manyika. Sarah Ladipo Manyika was raised in Nigeria and has lived in Kenya, France, and England. She holds a Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkele...