PRE COLONIAL POLITICAL SYSTEM IN NIGERIA Hausa Fulani The Fulani took over the political leadership of the Habe (Hausa) states in the early century. The jihad that followed this occupation was seen as a religious one as well as political. Usman Dan Fodio led the Fulani Jihad and took over the political leadership of the Hausa and established Sokoto caliphate with outstanding centralized political system of government. He introduced a new system of selecting and appointing rulers described as Emirs to rule the caliphate. Each of the Emirs owed allegiance to Dan Fodio and his two representatives at Gwandu and Sokoto. Political Administration The Emirate: The caliphate was divided into emirates and each was headed by an Emir. He had the responsibility of making laws, enforcing them and maintaining peace and order in his emirate. However, each emirate was assisted in the administration of the emirate by a number of advisers. These were; The Waziri: He was...