© 2018.

All glory be to God almighty who made this work possible.

The Boy And A Thief.
The Boy Becomes A Thief.
The Man Stole A Million Dollars.
Olu Lost Touch With His Father.
Olu Started Worshipping gods.
Olu Learnt His Lessons.

Olu was smoking cigarettes. 


Once upon a time, there was a family called Adegba family. Mr. and Mrs. Adegba had three children; the eldest was a boy named Olu, the second child was a girl named Ife and the last child was a boy named Tolu.  They were twelve, ten and eight years old respectively. One day, Olu was celebrating his twelfth birthday. His father gave him a toy car and his mom gave him a set of puzzle but he was not happy. He wanted a toy airplane.
“Dad, I don’t want a toy car. I want an airplane” He said as his father presented the car to him.
“Olu, listen, I will buy you that airplane as soon as I have money but this is what I can afford now, so manage it” his father soothed but Olu was not happy.
“No, I don’t want!” he shouted as he threw the toy car against the wall. The car broke into tiny pieces. He walked out of the living room.

His younger brother and sister watched all these and were sad that Olu didn’t appreciate their father who was trying to please them. They picke3d up the tiny pieces from the floor and thrashed them.  They found Olu crying loudly at the back of the house. They tried to sit beside him and comfort him but he chased them away from him.  Throughout that day, Olu did not speak to anyone and he refused to eat his food.  When night fell, he went to bed without saying goodnight to his parents and siblings.

Olu suddenly woke up in the middle of the night because he was very hungry. He was quietly from his room to the kitchen because he knew that his mother always kept cookies in the freezer.   When he got to the kitchen, he opened the freezer and took a chocolate cookie, while he was going back to his room; he began to hear some strange sounds. He listened carefully and the noise grew louder. He tip-toed towards the direction of the sound and he observed that the sound was coming from the living room.
When he got to the living room, a thief was there and he was packing all his parents’ electronics and mobile phones. Olu wanted to shout but the thief quickly covered his mouth with his large palm. “Hey, don’t shout” The thief begged “If you don’t shout, I will give you anything that you want. Do you hear that?’
Olu nodded his head then the thief removed his hand from Olu’s mouth.
“What is your name?” The thief whispered so that others would not wake up.
“Olu” he said.
“Olu, good boy. What do you want me to buy for you?” The thief asked.
“I want a remote controlled airplane” Olu said quickly. He was happy that someone was ready to buy it for him.
“Okay. I will help you to buy it but it costs a lot of money. Do you know where your dad and mummy keep their money so that I can use it to but it for you?”
“Yes, let me bring it” Olu said and he went to where his parents kept their money and he gave it to the thief. Thief put the money in his picket and he promised Olu that he would come back with the airplane.
The following day, Olu’s parents discovered that they had been robbed and they immediately reported to the nearest police station. Two policemen were sent to their house to investigate the robbery.  Mr. and Mrs. Adegba were questioned if they saw or heard anything while the robbery was in progress but they said no. The three children were also asked if they saw or heard anything but they all said no.  The policemen left and promised to catch the thief.

The following day in th3e middle of the night, Olu woke up because he thought someone called his name.  “Olu, it’s I, your friend. Let me in” said someone that was standing outside his window. Olu quickly opened his window and the thief came in with a wrapped parcel under his arm.
“Is that my airplane?” Olu asked excitedly.
“Yeah, I always keep my promises” The thief said and gave him the parcel.  Olu quickly unwrapped it and found the airplane inside. He was very happy.
“Thank you” he said as he began to play with the airplane. Olu gave the thief the money he had stolen from school and from his parents then the thief left.
In the morning, Olu started playing with the plane before anyone woke up in the family. After three days, Olu received a letter from the thief.
“Dear Olu,
I believe that you are enjoying your airplane that I bought for you? I hope your parents are doing good? If so, I am happy.  Do you want to become like me? Do you want to be a thief? If you become like me, you will have everything that you want and nobody can mess with you. I am expecting your reply soon. Bye.
Your friend.”
After reading the letter, Olu quickly tore it so that nobody could see it. However, he thought a lot about the content of the letter. He knew that it was bad to be a thief but he thought of all the things that he would have if he decided ds to be a thief. He thought of many days about it and finally he replied the letter to the thief and said yes.

Olu was very excited to be trained by the thief. Whenever he was coming back from school, he would go to the thief’s hideout to be trained and he would later go home. Throughout all these, Olu was clever enough to hide what he was doing from his parents and his siblings. He kept behaving like a good boy at home and he pretended to be paying attention to his studies.



Finally, he became a thief after four years. He began selling fake money, robbing and kidnapping. He became very notorious throughout the country and he was number one on the police wanted list. Eventually, he ran away from home and began living in a place no one knows. Olu was so good at stealing and robbery that his master began to feel jealous. So the master planned to kill but Olu knew about the master’s evil plan towards him so Olu killed the master instead.
Eventually, Olu became a very rich man and he built a very big mansion and got married to a beautiful woman who gave birth to two children for him. He was teaching his two children bad things instead of sending them to school and teaching them the right things until the whole family became bad and notorious. His children always fought in the streets and steal other people’s things. His wife always party late in the night and engaged in prostitution. All of them forgot God and continued following bad way.
One day, while Olu and his new gang were about to rob a market, they saw a police checkpoint. At the time, he was armed with guns. While the policemen were checking him, he became scared because of what they would do to him. So he quickly brought out his gun and shot the five police men at the checkpoint and ran away. He ran back home and told his wife what had happened.
“Pack your bag, we need to quickly travel away, otherwise, the police will soon be here and we would be arrested!” he said urgently as he ran to his room and began packing his belongings inside a big travelling bag.
“But let’s go ne4xtweek” his wife said, “I have a party that I want to att3end tonight”
“No, let’s go now!” he shouted at her. Let’s go to Brazil, we will be safe there. Nigeria is too hot for us now. Let’s go to the airport before it’s too late. Where are the children, call them and let’s go! ”

They travelled to Brazil and the following day,  Olu began his job.
“Can’t we do another thing instead of robbery and stealing?” His wife asked him. “We will soon be sent away from Brazil; too if we keep stealing”
“If I don’t steal, I will die because when I went to a herbalist four years ago, he said if I stop stealing and robbing the I will die” Olu said sadly.


When Olu was about to celebrate his 30th birthday, he wanted then latest and the most expensive car but the money he had was not enough top buy the car so he decided to rob a bank in Brazil. So he robbed the bank and went to the car dealer. But when he got to the place, he saw another car that was finer and better than the one he had intended to buy so he said to himself that he would steal the car. He paid for the one he was there to buy and left the place so he started thinking of how to steal the better car.

Later that night, he went back to the place. The dealer had gone home and the gates to the showroom had been securely locked. So he opened the locks with his master key and immediately he got inside the showroom, he disabled the surveillance cameras and the alarms so no one would know that he was stealing the cars. While he was doing this, the night guard of the place caught him in the act but Olu quickly killed the man before the man could raise an alarm. He drove the car out of the place.

Two days later, he sold the car he stole for a million dollars and he went inside a deep forest to bury the money because he wanted to test his wife. So he pretended to be poor and wretched. When he got home in the evening, he began to cry and his wife asked him what happened to him. He lied to her that they had been robbed.
“So, it means that we have no money again? How can we live without money?” She asked angrily. He begged her and promised that he will make more money but the wife didn’t listen.
The wife ran away while he was sleeping that night.


After his wife children left, Olu began to live alone. He enjoyed his solitary life and he began to rob banks. One day while he was robbing, he didn’t know that a man was video taping everything he was doing. The man who was video taping Olu gave the video to the police and the police began to hunt him. Olu became scared again and he wanted to travel out of Brazil again but his international passport has been blocked. He wanted to the United States of America. So when he go to the airport, he was on the queue with the people that were flying to America but he kept looking over his shoulders to make sure that the police was not following him.
Meanwhile, the police had alerted the airport workers on the phone so the airport workers said okay and the began to look for Olu among the people that wanted to board the flight to USA. They didn’t know that Olu heard their conversation with the police. He quickly ran away from the queue and his pursuers ran after him. The policemen were informed that Olu was about to escape so the policemen arrived and blocked all the ways through which he could escape.
Olu was about to jump the tall fence of the airport with its electrified barbed wire fence when he was shocked by electricity. He fell on the ground and fainted. The policemen handcuffed him and took him to a hospital where he was revived. After that, he was taken to court the following week and the judge sentenced him to twenty five years imprisonment.


Twenty five years later, Olu was freed from prison but he was a very old man by then. Since he had nowhere to go, he headed straight to the herbalist’s house. The herbalist too had become an old man and he was wearing rags. The herbalist recognized him but he pretended as if he didn’t know him. After much persuasion, the herbalist admitted that he remembered him and Olu told the herbalist that he didn’t want to go to prison again “Prison is a very bad place, i don’t want to go there again. Please help me”
“No problem, if you don’t want to go to prison then you have to start worshipping the gods.” The herbalist told him. “You have to be worshipping the gods everyday, otherwise, you will go back to prison and if you stop worshipping them, you will die”
Olu said okay that he will be worshipping the gods.
Since that day, Olu began worshipping the gods but his dreams were troubled by all the innocent people he had killed in the past. Each time he had these troubling dreams, he would wake up on his bed, sweating. He quickly stand up from the bed and start worshipping the gods that the herbalist told him to be worshipping but the gods didn’t answer his prayers because they were sleeping.
No matter how much he worshipped the gods, the troubling dreams kept recurring and he became scared every time he wanted to go to bed to sleep.


One day, Olu wen to the herbalist and t5old him all that has happened and how the silly gods he was made to worship failed to protect him from his bad dreams.
“Baba, I pray, morning, noon and night too, these stupid gods but they never answered my prayers. I even offered sacrifices to them but they refuse to help me” Olu complained bitterly.
“I am sorry; there is nothing I can do for you. The gods are angry at you, it’s over for you. You are going to die next tomorrow” the herbalist said to him and walked away from him.
Olu was very sad and heartbroken. He became desperate for a solution. He left the herbalist’s house and went to a pastor. When he got to the pastor’s house, he confessed all his sins but the pastor ran away from him instead of praying for him because the pastor thought that he would kill him too.
Olu left the place and headed back to his house. Everyone who met him on the road ran away from him because his appearance was frightening to look at. Even his neighbours quickly ran into their houses when theory saw him coming. “It is better to die than to be disgraced like this” he said to himself as he walked home from the place.
So that night, Olu slept but didn’t wake up the following day.
When the people and the police heard that Olu was dead, they were all very happy that the person who was disturbing the whole town was eventually stead. When Olu’s parents heard about it, they were very sad so they cried endlessly but the other two children comforted them and promised to be good unlike their brother Olu, who chose the evil way.

Mofetoluwa Adegbenro 

MOFETOLUWA ADEGBENRO is a ten year old talented author. He is currently in JSS 2 at Adesina College,  Ibadan. He has written many short stories for children and young teenagers but this his first published work. 


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