From Us At HeavenOasis, We Wish You A Happy Valentine! February 14th 2020 is here again. It is the day of the year when people all over the world celebrate love. There are many erroneous misconceptions about the truth behind the origin of valentine celebrations on February 4th of every year. A very long time ago after the death of Jesus Christ, many disciples rose to preach the Gospel and many of them were seriously opposed. This led to the martyrdom of many of them and funny enough, the killing of one of these disciples was what led to the lovers day celebrations that we all know today Valentino was a common name that people were bearing at the time so there were many disciples of Jesus who went by that name. Sadly, most of these disciples were gruesomely killed by the different Roman emperors. There was a particular Valentinus in 629 AD who was jailed by a Roman Emperor who despite his incarceration remaine...