Kate. NEW LIFE. On January 3 rd , mum resumed selling the Indian hemp but this time, she would go for as long as three days at a stretch before returning back home. Whenever I beg her to take me along because I was not doing anything at home, she would tell me to stay at home that it would be better without having to worry about me when she is being chased by the police. Dad continued to do nothing except smoking, drinking alcohol and beating mum and i. One day, four men came into our house. I’ve never seen them before because I knew all the people that dad and mum used to hand out with. All of them were taller than dad and my dad too is not short at all, yet these men were taller and huge. I was afraid of them because they were like the giants mentioned in the bible who were sent out of heaven but later came down to the earth to mix with and corrupt human beings. Even mum who was older was afraid of them. They spent two days in our house, drinking, smoking and talking i...