How To Excel As A Student.

HeavenOasis. How To Excel As A Student. Being a student is one of the most beautiful things that could happen to anyone in this life. Well, maybe not everyone sees it this way, but majority of people think that life would be extremely boring without a school. If there's no school, there won't be a student. At the early stages of our lives, we see school as a an object of attraction and an escape from the familiar faces in the family. We throw all our weights behind all school's activities and programs because we were having fun. But these joys are always short lived the moment we know about grades and how it determines people's perception of our intellect. The stronger ones among us would want to impress the people around us that we are special; so we work extra miles just to prove that we are brilliant. So we read at every opportunity that we have even while others are playing. Others who are not so strong will accept the fact that maybe they are not so brill...