Words And Antonyms For Those who wants to write an exam

For The Candidates Who Want To Write An Exam, Read This: Common Opposites - Antonyms Vocabulary Word List More on Antonyms ▶ More Word Banks ▶ Table of Contents A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z A absent - present abundant - scarce accept - decline, refuse accurate - inaccurate admit - deny advantage - disadvantage against - for agree - disagree alive - dead all - none, nothing ally - enemy always - never ancient - modern answer - question antonym - synonym apart - together appear - disappear, vanish approve - disapprove arrive - depart artificial - natural ascend - descend attic - cellar attractive - repulsive awake - asleep B backward - forward bad - good beautiful - ugly before - after begin - end below - above bent - straight best - worst better - worse, worst big - little, small bitter - sweet black - white blame ...