President Muhammadu Buhari's Independence Day Speech

Muhammadu Buhari's, President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Here is the presidential speech on the occasion of this year's October 1st independence celebration. 'DEAR Compatriots, October 1 of each year is an opportunity for us to reflect and thank God for his endless blessings on our country. It is also a time for us, collectively, to remember the sacrifices made by our founders and great leaders past; by soldiers, by distinguished public servants; by traditional leaders, by our workers — sacrifices on which Nigeria has been built over the 59 years since Independence in 1960; and rededicate ourselves to attaining the goals which we have set for ourselves: a united, prosperous and purposeful nation in the face of 21st century opportunities and challenges. In the past four years, the majority of Nigerians have committed to Change for the Better. Indeed, this Administration was re-elected by Nigerians on a mandate to deliver positive and enduring Change –...