
Showing posts with the label betrayal


My classmates and I at MaryHill High School, Washington DC, USA. ........So I took it up after that and got visa for you and I. I have been in US a week before I came to pick you.” “You came to kidnap me!” I retorted “Call it what you want” she said nonchalantly. “So how did you make me sleep and how were you able to smuggle me out of US with all those security at the airport?” “I gave you a sleeping pill that made you sleep for twenty four hours and lifted you in my arms- you weigh so much now- anyways, I took a cab to the airport and showed all my documents and told everyone who asked that you are on medication and not to be weaken and I showed them hospital papers to convince them- of course the papers were fake but they believed them!   It would have been tougher but I made settlement here and there and I was cleared through the customs. There is corruption even in the so called America” mum said scornfully. “So the rest of the story is simple” she said as s...


Mum and dad were always fighting. I walked away from our house and began to think about what Kate’s mum said about me. I wish to be a normal kid like Kate. I wish to normal life. I wish to go to school like other kids outside our neighbourhood. I wish to be able to speak fluent and correct English instead of the Pidgin English that I was born and grew up with. Finally, I wish to leave our neighbourhood because I realized that all the residents in our neighbourhood were bad. I cried and blamed God for creating me in the first place in the kind of place where I find myself and to the kind of parents that I have. I said that God must be partial for giving Kate normal parents and giving me bad ones. Before I met Kate, I’ve always decided to be like Axe. He was the  ruggedest  and most  cashy  among hemp dealers in my neighbourhood. Apart from having money, he was also said to be the strongest because he was twice my dad’s size and the tallest man I’ve ever seen. ...