Picture Poetry.

Today, I'll regale you with the poetic works of a talented Nigerian poet, i love his works and I believe that you will do too. Most of his works are poems, written on pictures. Here are they: Poetry on God. Ads. Life Outside School. Death Ads. Reciprocity . Self Value. Sensible Gilbberish. We will keep the fire burning. Ads. Torn. Adieu Papa. Mother. The awesome me. Poetry. Never enough. Missed target. Sensible Nonsense. Your inspiration. Time. Owned. Time Bound. Ads. Breakups. You Smiles. Lost. A song for you. February. Ria. Selfless. Sinners. Slaves. Mama. Your loved ones. Hugs and kisses. Gone with the wind. Intellectualism. A special child. Mother's love. "Aktor." Happiness. The bits and pieces. Salvation. Tonight. About The Poet. Sọlá Dọjà is a human, poet...