Words And Antonyms For Those who wants to write an exam
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absent - present
abundant - scarce
accept - decline, refuse
accurate - inaccurate
admit - deny
advantage - disadvantage
against - for
agree - disagree
alive - dead
all - none, nothing
ally - enemy
always - never
ancient - modern
answer - question
antonym - synonym
apart - together
appear - disappear, vanish
approve - disapprove
arrive - depart
artificial - natural
ascend - descend
attic - cellar
attractive - repulsive
awake - asleep
backward - forward
bad - good
beautiful - ugly
before - after
begin - end
below - above
bent - straight
best - worst
better - worse, worst
big - little, small
bitter - sweet
black - white
blame - praise
bless - curse
bold - meek, timid
borrow - lend
bottom - top
bound - unbound, free
boundless - limited
boy - girl
brave - cowardly
bright - dim, dull
brighten - fade
broad - narrow
build - destroy
calm - windy, troubled
can - cannot, can't
capable - incapable
captive - free
careful - careless
cheap - expensive
cheerful - sad, discouraged, dreary
clear - cloudy, opaque
clever - stupid
clockwise - counterclockwise
close - far, distant
closed - ajar, open
clumsy - graceful
cold - hot
combine - separate
come - go
comfort - discomfort
common - rare
compulsory - voluntary
conceal - reveal
contract - expand
cool - warm
correct - incorrect, wrong
courage - cowardice
courteous - discourteous, rude
create - destroy
crooked - straight
cruel - kind
dangerous - safe
dark - light
day - night
daytime - nighttime
dead - alive
decline - accept, increase
decrease - increase
deep - shallow
definite - indefinite
demand - supply
despair - hope
dim - bright
disappear - appear
discourage - encourage
diseased - healthy
down - up
downwards - upwards
dreary - cheerful
dry - moist, wet
dull - bright, shiny
dusk - dawn
early - late
east - west
easy - hard, difficult
empty - full
encourage - discourage
end - begin, start
enter - exit
even - odd
expand - contract
export - import
exterior - interior
external - internal
fade - brighten
fail - succeed
false - true
famous - unknown
far - near
fast - slow
fat - thin
feeble - strong, powerful
few - many
find - lose
first - last
float - sink
fold - unfold
foolish - wise
for - against
fore - aft
forget - remember
fortunate - unfortunate
found - lost
free - bound, captive
frequent - seldom
fresh - stale
friend - enemy
full - empty
generous - stingy
gentle - rough
get - give
giant - tiny, small, dwarf
girl - boy
give - receive, take
glad - sad, sorry
gloomy - cheerful
go - stop
good - bad, evil
grant - refuse
great - tiny, small, unimportant
grow - shrink
guest - host
guilty - innocent
happy - sad
hard - easy
hard - soft
harmful - harmless
harsh - mild
hate - love
haves - have-nots
healthy - diseased, ill, sick
heaven - hell
heavy - light
help - hinder
here - there
hero - coward
high - low
hill - valley
hinder - help
honest - dishonest
horizontal - vertical
hot - cold
humble - proud
ill - healthy, well
immense - tiny, small
important - trivial
in - out
include - exclude
increase - decrease
inferior - superior
inhale - exhale
inner - outer
inside - outside
intelligent - stupid, unintelligent
intentional - accidental
interesting - boring
interesting - dull, uninteresting
interior - exterior
internal - external
join - separate
junior - senior
just - unjust
justice - injustice
knowledge - ignorance
known - unknown
landlord - tenant
large - small
last - first
laugh - cry
lawful - unlawful, illegal
lazy - industrious
leader - follower
left - right
lend -borrow
lengthen - shorten
lenient - strict
less - more
light - dark, heavy
like - dislike, hate
likely - unlikely
limited - boundless
little - big
long - short
loose - tight
lose - find
loss - win
loud - quiet
love - hate
low - high
loyal - disloyal
mad - happy, sane
major - minor
many - few
mature - immature
maximum - minimum
melt - freeze
merry - sad
messy - neat
minor - major
minority - majority
miser - spendthrift
misunderstand - understand
more - less
nadir - zenith
narrow - wide
near - far, distant
neat - messy, untidy
never - always
new - old
night - day
nighttime - daytime
no - yes
noisy - quiet
none - some
north - south
obedient - disobedient
odd - even
offer - refuse
old - new
old - young
on - off
open - closed, shut
opposite- same, similar
optimist - pessimist
out - in
outer - inner
over - under
past - present
patient - impatient
peace - war
permanent - temporary
plentiful - scarce
plural - singular
poetry - prose
polite - rude, impolite
possible - impossible
poverty - wealth, riches
powerful - weak
pretty - ugly
private - public
prudent - imprudent
pure - impure, contaminated
push - pull
qualified - unqualified
question - answer
quiet - loud, noisy
raise - lower
rapid - slow
rare - common
real - fake
regular - irregular
rich - poor
right - left, wrong
right-side-up - upside-down
rough - smooth
rude - courteous
safe - unsafe
same - opposite
satisfactory - unsatisfactory
scatter - collect
second-hand - new
secure - insecure
separate - join, together
serious - trivial
shallow - deep
shrink - grow
sick - healthy, ill
simple - complex, hard
singular - plural
sink - float
slim - fat, thick
slow - fast
sober - drunk
soft - hard
some - none
sorrow - joy
sour - sweet
sow -reap
start - finish
stop - go
straight - crooked
strict - lenient
strong - weak
success - failure
sunny - cloudy
sweet - sour
synonym - antonym
take - give
tall - short
tame - wild
them - us
there - here
thick - thin
tight - loose, slack
tiny - big, huge
together - apart
top - bottom
tough - easy, tender
transparent - opaque
true - false
truth - falsehood, lie, untruth
under - over
unfold - fold
unknown - known
unqualified - qualified
unsafe - safe
up - down
upside-down - right-side-up
upstairs - downstairs
us - them
useful - useless
vacant - occupied
vanish - appear
vast - tiny
victory - defeat
virtue - vice
visible - invisible
voluntary - compulsory
war - peace
wax - wane
weak - strong
wet - dry
white - black
wide - narrow
win - lose
wisdom - folly, stupidity
within - outside
wrong - right
yes - no
yin - yang
young - old
zenith - nadir
zip - unzip
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