How To Excel As A Student.
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How To Excel As A Student.
Being a student is one of the most beautiful things that could happen to anyone in this life. Well, maybe not everyone sees it this way, but majority of people think that life would be extremely boring without a school. If there's no school, there won't be a student.
At the early stages of our lives, we see school as a an object of attraction and an escape from the familiar faces in the family. We throw all our weights behind all school's activities and programs because we were having fun. But these joys are always short lived the moment we know about grades and how it determines people's perception of our intellect. The stronger ones among us would want to impress the people around us that we are special; so we work extra miles just to prove that we are brilliant. So we read at every opportunity that we have even while others are playing. Others who are not so strong will accept the fact that maybe they are not so brilliant, so they will settle for being average students and go home at the end of each school term with average results. Others would sink into a kind of acceptance of the fact that they are not destined to be brilliant so they accept their position at the bottom of the intellectual ladder, competing with no one but their own redundancy.
But the sad truth is that WE ARE ALL EQUAL.
This may sound motivational but it is the simple truth. Our brains have almost equal capabilities (Except for those who have mental disorders). This means that we all have the same chances of being number one and no one would be at the bottom of the intelligence ladder so to say. So the question we all often faced with is HOW CAN I EXCEL AS A STUDENT?
The answer to this question is not so easy to define or quantify because we all have different reasons for going to school. Some people go to school because there is nothing else they could with their time. Some people go to school as well to satisfy their parents, others do because they think education can solve the problem of poverty that are born with. So it is always hard to determine educational success. However, the general parameter for deciding educational success is having good grades. Therefore below are what a student must do to excel, depending on his or her course of study.
General Tips For Students That Want to Excel:
1. Read &Listen: Learning is all about learning about new things and one of the ways to learn new things is to read (books and other related materials to the course of study). However for students who are learning trades, listening is the prerequisite thing that are expected for them to be able to assimilate whatever they are being taught. Whether you are a student in a conventional school with a controlled environment or a student who is learning a trade, you must read and listen to instructions from those who know better than you - your teachers. Reading is the life and blood of any student. Read at every opportunity that you have because frankly speaking, there is a wide gap between people who truly read and those who don't.
2. Ask Questions: If there are things that are not cleared to you, do not bottle it in, say it out and seek clarification when and where necessary. Don't be afraid of looking foolish because you are asking questions which you don't understand. Real foolishness is keeping silent when you are in doubts. Socrates understood this as a vital part of the learning process, that's why he often started his teachings with questioning his students about what he was about to teach them.
3. Associate Yourself With Visionary People: Schools can be great distractions at times. This is largely due to many extra curricular activities that exist on schools and campuses. Well, extra curricular activities are not bad but they could pose a huge challenge to a student who is fickle minded and easily swayed by what they see and hear. The best way to handle this problem is to make friends with students and teachers who have similar visions as yours, who will tell you immediately they notice that you are 'drifting' away from your goal. It is as simple as that.
4. Have A Timetable And Stick To It: You need to organize your life, you can't just be living without a sort of plan. You need a plan to work with and you need it to excel. Form your timetable in such a way that it covers your whole week and each day is filled with a plan. Each day should be further divided into hours and minutes. It is not easy to work around a timetable but it is not impossible. You need it to excel and once you have it, you must stick to it.
5. Relax: This may sound a little bit odd from the other points I've listed above. But yes, you need to relax. Sometimes in my second year at the Uni, there was a particular course material that I was reading and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't make it stay in my head. Generally speaking, I am an A student and there is hardly a course that I feared so when I couldn't make the things I read from that course material stick to my head, I became frustrated. So, I pushed the book aside and tried not to think about it. Luckily for me, I saw some course mates who were very good at playing. I joined them in the hide and seek game and we played till night fell and we were all exhausted to the bones. when I got back to the hostel, I showered and ate and slept. Early the following morning, I took the book again and to my amazement, I was comprehending very fast!
That's it. Learning is faster and easier when we are calm and free from worries. So learn how to relax.
NOTE: There is a big difference between relaxing/resting and sleeping. Sleeping doesn't necessarily ease stress. Being calm and 'worriless' is a state of mind and that is why you have to do everything possible to make yourself calm at all times.
How To Excel As A Law Student: Being a law student in itself is a very serious work. think about the competition that one has to pass through before one finally gets admitted into the University. Yeah, there is a level of pride that comes with being a law student, especially in some countries in Africa. In Nigeria for instance, many Nigerian Universities have special dress codes for their law students. Many Nigerian Universities allows their law students to wear black suit and white shirt and so on.
But excelling as a law student is far more difficult than just wearing the dress code or having your name in the faculty's register; it is a very serious job but it is not impossible. Yeah, you can actually graduate as a first class student if you do the right things. The right things include the following:
1. Attend classes always and promptly.
2. Take attendance because it will carry some marks which will eventually boost your CGPA.
3. Do assignments and group works, they are your lifelines.
4. Never miss a presentation. As a law student, you will be required to do lots of presentations and they are very important. You must attend all presentations and present if required by the faculty.
5. Read at every available opportunity. Make reading your best friend because you will be given lots of materials to read. Read even beyond the materials given by the lecturers or materials relating to the course. read as if your life depends on it.
6. Attend all examinations with all seriousness. Your life depends on it.
The answer to this question is not so easy to define or quantify because we all have different reasons for going to school. Some people go to school because there is nothing else they could with their time. Some people go to school as well to satisfy their parents, others do because they think education can solve the problem of poverty that are born with. So it is always hard to determine educational success. However, the general parameter for deciding educational success is having good grades. Therefore below are what a student must do to excel, depending on his or her course of study.
General Tips For Students That Want to Excel:
1. Read &Listen: Learning is all about learning about new things and one of the ways to learn new things is to read (books and other related materials to the course of study). However for students who are learning trades, listening is the prerequisite thing that are expected for them to be able to assimilate whatever they are being taught. Whether you are a student in a conventional school with a controlled environment or a student who is learning a trade, you must read and listen to instructions from those who know better than you - your teachers. Reading is the life and blood of any student. Read at every opportunity that you have because frankly speaking, there is a wide gap between people who truly read and those who don't.
2. Ask Questions: If there are things that are not cleared to you, do not bottle it in, say it out and seek clarification when and where necessary. Don't be afraid of looking foolish because you are asking questions which you don't understand. Real foolishness is keeping silent when you are in doubts. Socrates understood this as a vital part of the learning process, that's why he often started his teachings with questioning his students about what he was about to teach them.
3. Associate Yourself With Visionary People: Schools can be great distractions at times. This is largely due to many extra curricular activities that exist on schools and campuses. Well, extra curricular activities are not bad but they could pose a huge challenge to a student who is fickle minded and easily swayed by what they see and hear. The best way to handle this problem is to make friends with students and teachers who have similar visions as yours, who will tell you immediately they notice that you are 'drifting' away from your goal. It is as simple as that.
4. Have A Timetable And Stick To It: You need to organize your life, you can't just be living without a sort of plan. You need a plan to work with and you need it to excel. Form your timetable in such a way that it covers your whole week and each day is filled with a plan. Each day should be further divided into hours and minutes. It is not easy to work around a timetable but it is not impossible. You need it to excel and once you have it, you must stick to it.
5. Relax: This may sound a little bit odd from the other points I've listed above. But yes, you need to relax. Sometimes in my second year at the Uni, there was a particular course material that I was reading and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't make it stay in my head. Generally speaking, I am an A student and there is hardly a course that I feared so when I couldn't make the things I read from that course material stick to my head, I became frustrated. So, I pushed the book aside and tried not to think about it. Luckily for me, I saw some course mates who were very good at playing. I joined them in the hide and seek game and we played till night fell and we were all exhausted to the bones. when I got back to the hostel, I showered and ate and slept. Early the following morning, I took the book again and to my amazement, I was comprehending very fast!
That's it. Learning is faster and easier when we are calm and free from worries. So learn how to relax.
NOTE: There is a big difference between relaxing/resting and sleeping. Sleeping doesn't necessarily ease stress. Being calm and 'worriless' is a state of mind and that is why you have to do everything possible to make yourself calm at all times.
How To Excel As A Law Student: Being a law student in itself is a very serious work. think about the competition that one has to pass through before one finally gets admitted into the University. Yeah, there is a level of pride that comes with being a law student, especially in some countries in Africa. In Nigeria for instance, many Nigerian Universities have special dress codes for their law students. Many Nigerian Universities allows their law students to wear black suit and white shirt and so on.
But excelling as a law student is far more difficult than just wearing the dress code or having your name in the faculty's register; it is a very serious job but it is not impossible. Yeah, you can actually graduate as a first class student if you do the right things. The right things include the following:
1. Attend classes always and promptly.
2. Take attendance because it will carry some marks which will eventually boost your CGPA.
3. Do assignments and group works, they are your lifelines.
4. Never miss a presentation. As a law student, you will be required to do lots of presentations and they are very important. You must attend all presentations and present if required by the faculty.
5. Read at every available opportunity. Make reading your best friend because you will be given lots of materials to read. Read even beyond the materials given by the lecturers or materials relating to the course. read as if your life depends on it.
6. Attend all examinations with all seriousness. Your life depends on it.
How To Excel As A Medical Student.
Another high hyped course in the university is medicine. Like law students, medical students enjoy some level of pride and camaraderie, you can easily spot them in their white, starched lab coats. Typically, most medical students are serious because it takes some level of seriousness and discipline to be considered for medicine in any institution. Like the old proverb says, to who much is given, much is expected. Therefore a serious minded medical student should attend classes always and especially the practical classes.
How To Excel As An Architecture Student? Architecture is a suave course for someone who has passion for it. I remember vividly when I was younger, there was a big brother on our street who was studying architecture. Whenever he comes around from school for a visit, we would all sit round him, watching with fascination as he drew rectangular pictures of buildings and structures. Architecture is a practical course and like other practical courses, you must attend all classes, study hard and do a lot of work on your own.
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How to excel as a pharmacy student:
1. Identify Your Goals & Motivation Ahead of Time
My brother always teased me about being a college dropout since I had no bachelor or associate degree before getting into pharmacy school; subsequently, my main goal entering pharmacy school was to do whatever it took to graduate and not fail out of the program. I had no backup plans since I had no degree and “surviving pharmacy school” became my strongest motivation.
Everything has an opportunity cost so it is necessary to prioritize your life in order of importance. What is your definition of success? What are you willing to do to succeed in this program? Setting these goals ahead of time allows you to avoid being caught off guard by the demands of pharmacy school.
I remember when a class poll was taken on how many people think pharmacy school was harder than they expected, many hands went up. All schools are different, but set your expectations to a level that will lead to little or no disappointment. Remember too that identifying your goals and motivations is a continuous process, so you will need to do this throughout your time in pharmacy school.
2. Know The Expectations
To make an A grade in a class, you only have to do what the professor requires; this means it is an attainable goal.
To learn the material, you have to study with the goal of (1) understanding the fundamentals and (2) applying the knowledge. These two concepts are commonly confused, but learning the material does not always mean you will make an A and making an A does not mean you completely understand the material to a level where it is applicable; finding the balance with these two is where the true success lies.
Every lecturer has different expectations (even for the same course) and your ability to excel in a class is heavily influenced by the professor; therefore, it is vital to identify their expectations of you. Most professors tell you what it takes to make an A in the course, but for those professors that do not clearly specify, ask.
I vividly remember my pharmaceutics professor saying, ‘when I asked some students how they managed to make an A in my class, they said they recorded, listened, and transcribed my lectures word for word then they studied their notes for my exams.’ This one statement led to 3 years of me transcribing lecture notes word for word.
3. Do The Work
Be willing to do what it takes!
People achieve the same goals utilizing different methods so once you identify what it takes to achieve the success you want, put it into action.
I never considered myself to be intelligent or smart, but I know myself to be very hard working and hard work, my friend, can take you places. Transcribing lecture notes for all my classes was never pleasant, but it worked for me. It was what I needed to do in order to get the grades I wanted, so I did it.
I am sure many students have straight A’s in undergraduate school and may decide to apply the same methods to attaining the same goals in pharmacy school, unfortunately, it does not work that way. If you want something you have never had, you have to do something you have never done; this means that getting all A’s in pharmacy school will require a different type of effort than undergrad.
4. Stay In Your Lane
People take different routes to arrive to the same destination so it is best to find your own route and stay in your lane.
I recommend learning your strengths and weakness and finding out ways to grow. Constant self-evaluation should be a habit in order to keep you focused. When you take your eyes off yourself to compare your distance with someone else, you will realize that you are always ahead and behind someone. Set your goal and focus on it, because imitating what people do with the hopes of achieving the same result does NOT work – just ask anyone that has ever tried to dance to Beyoncé in front of the mirror.
Also, try as much as possible to avoid negativity (e.g., jealousy, envy), because those are major distractions from your goals. A free and healthy mind allows room for efficient learning.
5. Be Nice and Share (ONLY within the limits of the honor code)
Being nice to people has absolutely nothing to do with pharmacotherapy or medicinal chemistry, but attitude can make or break you.
Pharmacy is a small world and no matter how smart you are, there is no way you can go through your whole pharmacy career without needing assistance at some point. Always help someone whenever you are in the position to help, because you just never know. Your efforts will not always be recognized, but it may come back to you later on down the road. When presented with the opportunity to help someone, help because when you leave the ‘bubble’ of pharmacy school, there is a bigger world out there and your reputation in school is guaranteed to follow you.
Kindness was my biggest networking tool in pharmacy school, I tutored fellow classmates and shared my transcribed notes with the entire class. I wanted my entire class to graduate and advance to succeed in their different areas of interest so I did what I could to help fellow students. ‘Being nice and sharing’ made it easier for people to share their study guides which were very helpful to my success; it allowed me to live in Miami (rent free) for my 3 months’ rotations. Additionally, it brought me my most treasured social achievement which was winning the 2016 “Most Committed to Helping Others” award.
Of course these tips will not work for everyone, but they are the things that worked for me. As of the latest grade update, my GPA remains a 4.0 and some of my professors still upload my notes for the newer students to study with. Again, people are different so find what works for you and put in the work. (Source:
My brother always teased me about being a college dropout since I had no bachelor or associate degree before getting into pharmacy school; subsequently, my main goal entering pharmacy school was to do whatever it took to graduate and not fail out of the program. I had no backup plans since I had no degree and “surviving pharmacy school” became my strongest motivation.
Everything has an opportunity cost so it is necessary to prioritize your life in order of importance. What is your definition of success? What are you willing to do to succeed in this program? Setting these goals ahead of time allows you to avoid being caught off guard by the demands of pharmacy school.
I remember when a class poll was taken on how many people think pharmacy school was harder than they expected, many hands went up. All schools are different, but set your expectations to a level that will lead to little or no disappointment. Remember too that identifying your goals and motivations is a continuous process, so you will need to do this throughout your time in pharmacy school.
2. Know The Expectations
To make an A grade in a class, you only have to do what the professor requires; this means it is an attainable goal.
To learn the material, you have to study with the goal of (1) understanding the fundamentals and (2) applying the knowledge. These two concepts are commonly confused, but learning the material does not always mean you will make an A and making an A does not mean you completely understand the material to a level where it is applicable; finding the balance with these two is where the true success lies.
Every lecturer has different expectations (even for the same course) and your ability to excel in a class is heavily influenced by the professor; therefore, it is vital to identify their expectations of you. Most professors tell you what it takes to make an A in the course, but for those professors that do not clearly specify, ask.
I vividly remember my pharmaceutics professor saying, ‘when I asked some students how they managed to make an A in my class, they said they recorded, listened, and transcribed my lectures word for word then they studied their notes for my exams.’ This one statement led to 3 years of me transcribing lecture notes word for word.
3. Do The Work
Be willing to do what it takes!
People achieve the same goals utilizing different methods so once you identify what it takes to achieve the success you want, put it into action.
I never considered myself to be intelligent or smart, but I know myself to be very hard working and hard work, my friend, can take you places. Transcribing lecture notes for all my classes was never pleasant, but it worked for me. It was what I needed to do in order to get the grades I wanted, so I did it.
I am sure many students have straight A’s in undergraduate school and may decide to apply the same methods to attaining the same goals in pharmacy school, unfortunately, it does not work that way. If you want something you have never had, you have to do something you have never done; this means that getting all A’s in pharmacy school will require a different type of effort than undergrad.
4. Stay In Your Lane
People take different routes to arrive to the same destination so it is best to find your own route and stay in your lane.
I recommend learning your strengths and weakness and finding out ways to grow. Constant self-evaluation should be a habit in order to keep you focused. When you take your eyes off yourself to compare your distance with someone else, you will realize that you are always ahead and behind someone. Set your goal and focus on it, because imitating what people do with the hopes of achieving the same result does NOT work – just ask anyone that has ever tried to dance to Beyoncé in front of the mirror.
Also, try as much as possible to avoid negativity (e.g., jealousy, envy), because those are major distractions from your goals. A free and healthy mind allows room for efficient learning.
5. Be Nice and Share (ONLY within the limits of the honor code)
Being nice to people has absolutely nothing to do with pharmacotherapy or medicinal chemistry, but attitude can make or break you.
Pharmacy is a small world and no matter how smart you are, there is no way you can go through your whole pharmacy career without needing assistance at some point. Always help someone whenever you are in the position to help, because you just never know. Your efforts will not always be recognized, but it may come back to you later on down the road. When presented with the opportunity to help someone, help because when you leave the ‘bubble’ of pharmacy school, there is a bigger world out there and your reputation in school is guaranteed to follow you.
Kindness was my biggest networking tool in pharmacy school, I tutored fellow classmates and shared my transcribed notes with the entire class. I wanted my entire class to graduate and advance to succeed in their different areas of interest so I did what I could to help fellow students. ‘Being nice and sharing’ made it easier for people to share their study guides which were very helpful to my success; it allowed me to live in Miami (rent free) for my 3 months’ rotations. Additionally, it brought me my most treasured social achievement which was winning the 2016 “Most Committed to Helping Others” award.
Of course these tips will not work for everyone, but they are the things that worked for me. As of the latest grade update, my GPA remains a 4.0 and some of my professors still upload my notes for the newer students to study with. Again, people are different so find what works for you and put in the work. (Source:
How to excel as a law student in Nigeria: Nigeria is one of the hardest countries to live right economically. This poses a huge challenge to a student from an average background. So how can some who schools in Nigeria excel? Well, one has to be focused and avoid distractions. Don't be weighed down by the negative things all around you.
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