3d image of the corona virus. 

I came across this write up on WhatsApp and I'm deciding to share it with you. You could save a life now before it's too late. Read and digest. 

This is one of the  most enlightening information I've ever come across on this COVID-19 pandemic.
 I don't know the originator but I think he/she deserves an applause.**_ πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎ

Read on.


How/Why Do People Recover If There's Still No Proven Cure For COVID-19?


Most respiratory viruses-- including Corona viruses such as the ones that causes the Common Cold -- are self-limiting, so to say.

What this means is that they have a relatively finite period in the human body before they "wear themselves out," or the immune system contains them, and the sufferer recovers.

Treatment for these viruses is thus mostly aimed at;

1. Relieving symptoms, in order to make the sufferer comfortable.

2. Keeping the infected person alive by supporting organ systems attacked and impaired by the virus.

Most times, treatment is not aimed at curing such viral illnesses, by attacking the virus itself. This is partly because they're self-limiting, and partly because developing antiviral medication is darn difficult due to the fact that they mutate so rapidly, and are more or less like shape shifters. If you develop a treatment against this form today, tomorrow they may mutate into a form resistant to said treatment.

So, the best form of treatment for such viruses is prevention, either by modification of social and lifestyle habits, to break the chain of transmission; or by vaccination.

If someone however becomes infected, treatment, as the immune system slugs it out with the virus, is usually supportive, and not definitive.


Before we move on to COVID-19, I want to make a distinction and clarification between two forms of treatments- supportive treatment, and definitive treatment.


In the context of infectious diseases, definitive treatment entails treatment targeted specifically at the offending organism, aimed at eliminating it from the body. Once this is done, the body-- through its repair mechanisms, heals itself of the damage already caused by the organism, and the person recovers. 

An example is use of antimalarial drugs to treat Malaria, and antibiotics to treat bacterial infections.


This, in the context of infectious diseases, is treatment not aimed at eliminating the organism, but relieving its symptoms, and supporting vital bodily functions already compromised by it, while waiting for, or hoping that, the immune system will contain said infection.

So, if the person is having a distressful cough, you may have to give cough syrups to suppress it; if there's fever, you may have to use anti-pyretics, such as paracetamol, to relieve it; if in pain, analgesics may be used generously to make the patient more comfortable; etc.

If the infection compromises the function of certain vital organ systems, and the person is at risk of dying without optimal functioning of said system, you support the organ's function:

  - For failing lungs; oxygen, and ventilators, may be needed.

  - For cardiovascular collapse; fluids, and vaso-pressors may be given.

  - For kidney failure; dialysis may come in handy.


By doing these, you may be able to keep the body going, while the immune system wages battle against the offending organism. 

If by the time the immune system is able to win the war and contain the infection, you have managed , through your supportive treatment, to keep the person alive, the person recovers.

However, if the damage caused by the organism in its wake is too much, and your supportive treatment couldn't keep the person alive to see the end of the battle between immune system and bug, the person dies.


πŸ“ COVID-19

For COVID-19, the "finite" period of battle between immune system and virus is usually between 2 to 6 weeks-- up to 8 weeks in some instances, depending on the competence/resilience of the person's immune system, among other things.

If one is able to withstand the onslaught of the virus within this period, the person would pull through, sometimes without any treatment, other times with supportive treatment, all depending on the severity of the disease.

To put this in context, COVID-19 has 5 clinical variants BASED ON SEVERITY;

1. Asymptomatic Form.

In this form, one gets infected without manifesting any symptom whatsoever. The person thus ends up just as a mere carrier, spreading the infection to others.

2. Mild Disease.

Some people would get the virus, but just have upper respiratory tract infection, with symptoms such as sneezing, mild fever, cough, malaise, etc; and recover rapidly, with or without any supportive treatment. 

3. Moderate Disease.

This group would go on to develop lower respiratory tract infection, with pneumonia, and would need some supportive treatment,  but may not be sick enough to need oxygen therapy.

4. Severe Disease.

This group develop Pneumonia, and get so sick that they would need oxygen therapy.

5. Critical Disease

This group of patients get so bad, and develop A.R.D.S, and ventilatory respiratory failure, so much that they would need a ventilator to survive, without which they'd definitely die.

πŸ“’ NB

This classification is based solely on the effect of the virus on the respiratory system, its primary target in the body. That however doesn't mean that the virus only affects the lungs.


The form of the disease one develops depends on a host of factors including;

1. Immune status.

2. Age.

3. Presence of other co-morbidities, such as Diabetes, Hypertension, Heart Disease, Cancer, Chronic Lung Diseases, etc.


People with asymptomatic and mild to moderate forms of the disease don't need much help to recover; sometimes they're even advised to stay at home, especially in countries whose Hospitals are already overwhelmed, and are managed with minor conservative/supportive measures to relieve symptoms such as fever, headache, chest pain, and cough.

People with severe and critical forms of the disease would need Hospital admission and a lot of supportive measures, including oxygen therapy, ventilators, anti-shock therapy-- if necessary, and the full compliment of ICU care.

If conservative measures are enough to sustain the person, the person could still pull through even without specific antiviral therapy.



Hope I've been able to make you understand how recovery is possible, even without a definitive cure.

Now you know.


Just in case you were wondering, I intentionally didn't want to dabble into the controversies surrounding touted specific antiviral remedies such as the Hydroxychloroquine-Azithromycin combination, Kaletra/Alluvia, Arbidol, etc; because whatever influence they have on prognosis doesn't negate the submissions made here.
[4/19, 8:58 AM] Lanre Lagos: COVID-19 deaths -mass murder in progress by few "experts?"

Yomi Lawal (04/13/2020)

Imagine you felt your body was not at optimum and you went to a hospital or lab for a test. Test result comes back positive for typoid fever even though all you had was persistent headache.

The nurse now tells you to go home and keep taking paracetamol for the headache and that you should call the hospital to see the doctor only when you are gasping for breath. Would you accept such instructions? Would you go home to stay without treatment until your situation expectedly degenerates and you have a life threatening emergency? I don't think so.

This however is what is being done in nations recording high deaths from COVID-19. And this is what some of you who think you are protecting science (why you think you should is comical) are saying.

People who test positive for the coronavirus are sent back home to develop the disease COVID-19!

If you weren't aware, now you know. As usual I have included screenshots which you can also verify by yourselves.

Its like someone testing positive for HIV and then sent home and told to come back to the hospital only when they have full blown AIDS 🀷🏽‍♂️

Treatment and its science.

There is an effective treatment for getting rid of the coronavirus. This treatment is based on several studies around the world. A 2009 study explains how Zinc blocks the replication of coronaviruses, this is the same family of virus responsible for common cold, SARS, MERS and COVID-19. This studies have been applied by doctors on the field with some having 100% success rates! 

The science behind use of zinc to kill the COVID-19 coronavirus is this.

1. Zinc is an ion

2. Ions are naturally inhibited by our cells from going into our cell cytosol and will do so very slowly for those that can get through.

3. This is because our cell membranes require anything trying to get across to have a sort of key or password to unlock the membrane to gain access or be similar to the content of the cytosol.

4. To get ions across our cell membranes, the charge of the ion is blocked by a carrier called an "ionophore". [Pic 8]

5. Chloroquine is a zinc ionophore. [Pic 1]

6. Coronavirus is an RNA virus that can pass through cell membranes into the cytosol where it replicates and invades the host cells.

7. This RNA virus protects itself from attacks from our immune system by protecting itself with fatty tissue.

8. This fatty protection is why you are told to wash your hands with soap, soap breaks down the fat (oil) protecting the virus.

9. Alcohol (hand sanitizers inclusive) breaks down same fatty protection of the virus.

10. The immune system will easily take out the coronavirus if the fatty layer protection is removed.

11. Zinc removes this protection and also stops the coronavirus from making new copies of itself. [Pic 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d]

12. The body immune system is then able to quickly kill off the coronavirus.

13. Zinc can only help effectively and quickly if it can get into the cytosol.

14. This is the job chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine does, it helps the zinc get into the cytosol by "hiding" the fact that zinc is an ion from the cell membranes. It makes the membrane more permeable. [Pic 1]

15. The use of antibiotics is to take care of other infections caused by the weakened immune system that was busy trying to fight off the coronavirus in vain.

This is the science behind the use of hydroxychloroquine, arithromycin and zinc sulphate in the EFFECTIVE treatment of COVID-19 or its coronavirus. These are published and unchallenged studies.

Current medical procedure killing tens of thousands.

1. Patient walks into testing center and tests positive for the coronavirus.

2. Patient does not usually see a doctor but called on the phone to give test results.

3. Patient is told to self isolate at home. [Pic 4]
4. Patient is told to take ONLY paracetamol if fever develops.[Pic 4]

5. Patient is told to call back when they have difficulty breathing.

6. Patient is taken to the hospital (now in an ambulance) and then hooked up to a ventilator.

7. Same cocktails of "unapproved" drugs including the ventilator that cannot cure nor treat anything is deployed.

8. Several health workers begin running around to attend to 1 patient.

9. The patient becomes too weak and now at higher risk to be administered hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine.

10. Patient is told to say goodbye to his family on phone.

11. Patient dies and is added to COVID-19 casualty 🀷🏽‍♂️
Some of the doctors are tired of these needless deaths which is being defended by few scientists. These doctors are advocating new procedures.

Advocated medical procedure by some Medical doctors.

1. Patient tests positive to coronavirus.

2. Patient is immediately given hydroxychloroquine in combo with zinc and antibiotics if needed. [Pic 5]

3. Patient does not progress to having COVID-19.

4. Patient is healed within 10days without neccesarily coming into the hospital.

What is saved.

1. No need for multiple medical personnel running around in unnecessary emergency to battle to save patient in respiratory distress.

2. Cost of treatment as low as $20. [Pic 6], alternatives cost way more [Pic 6b].

3. No cost of ambulance (as high as $3000)

4. Hospitals are not overwhelmed.

5. No need for thousands of ventilators.

6. More people can be tested and treated.

7. No lockdown and no violation of civil liberties.

8. Economy continues.

9. We don't see the faces of "experts" asking for evidence they know already exists since 2009.

10. Your loved ones remain alive!

Who loses?

1. Those who are using the world as economic experiment.
2. Those developing needless expensive treatment drugs.
3. Those using the opportunity to force worldwide means of ID.
4. Those who stand to gain politically from the deaths in this crisis.


1. Those whose family members died because the self isolation process without treatment was followed should call their lawyers and sue the originator of this murderous plan, this can't be medicine.

2. Those who are told to self isolate right now should demand treatment and get their lawyers involved quickly.

3. Political leadership should prepare to prosecute ALL those decision makers that consistently poopooed treatment as lacking evidence, there is enough evidence of effectiveness from field doctors to get conviction against these actors in court.

4. Doctors must remember their hippocratic oath and start saving lives from day1.

5. Let your loved ones around the world know these things I wrote, they can independently verify, you can too. 

The irritating argument the "not approved" group tout is that hydroxychloroquine is dangerous and that it is not proven.

Ask them to show you datasheet for paracetamol which they give people to go be taking and that of hydroxychloroquine.

Paracetamol has "death" along with kidney failure etc. as possible side effects. [Pic 7a, b]. The side effects of paracetamol are as long as that of HCQ

Hydroxychloroquine does not have "death" written as possible side effects. It has side effects that can easily be managed under medical supervision and those side effects are more in old people.

But note that arthritis -which same hydroxychloroquine treats- is predominantly a disease for same old people. If it is not killing them for arthritis, how dangerous can it be to save them or anyone else from coronavirus or COVID-19? 🀷🏽‍♂️

Who approved ventilators as being effective as treatment for COVID-19? Where is the evidence of effectiveness, same "evidence" they demand for hydroxychloroquine, zithromax and zinc treatment?

You don't have to listen to any "expert" when the science and results are already public. 

Anyone who wants to argue or debate about the science of this should argue with you pointing to scientific studies and data not pointing to news items or any so called experts. Experts are not scientific evidence, they are people like you.

Those experts are not even the doctors on the field if they are doctors at all 🀷🏽‍♂️

Note, all those that will argue against this will do so without ANY SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE or LOGIC because there are none 🀷🏽‍♂️ or does dying rather the use of known safe drugs under medical supervision make any sense to you? 🀷🏽‍♂️


  1. I can't understand why the Nigeria and world health organization disapprove the drug as a treatment for covid19


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