Meet the future poets. 

1.       The Good mother – Tobi (A Shakespearean Sonnet)
I know a woman,
She was as proud as a peacock
Laughing like a man
She lives in a dock.

She has a million cars
She dearly loves her children,
And the offspring she took to child care
Yesterday, she flogged her children.

The woman is as light as a feather
She likes to sing
Yesterday  they had food together
In the morning they started singing

The woman one day fell down
But she got up back up with a crown.

Opatola  Tobi 

About The Poet.

Opatola Tobi is a sixteen year old writer. He hails from Ibadan Oyo State, Nigeria. He is currently studying at Shiloh High school, Kajola-Monatan Ibadan, Nigeria.
2.       The Guinea Fowl.

I beheld a guinea fowl
It was as dark as a charcoal
It is to me saying “how, wow!”
But it stays hidden in a pole

It suddenly fell in a pit
And started a sorrowful singing
It stopped for a bit
It is the tune of happy mourning

It had a moment of sweet relief
After eating over fifty bags of corn
Yet it never felt free with relieve
It its mental instability my cloth it torn
As slow as snail
It surrendered to its inevitable fate.

3.       A Bloody Boy. (An Italian Sonnet).
I was sitting on a wood
Alone in the pelting rain
With a very doomy mood
Then I saw train
In the train sat a lone boy
In his right hand was a long stick
In his left he held a dreadful toy
His torn cloth was bloody thick

The boy was happily sad
Sitting aloof on a wooden log
Beyond help was his sadness
In the train came a man ready to flog
The boy ran so fast away
To escape the impending doomsday.

4.       Lice- An unfounded fear.
I was in an empty room,
With a plate of rice,
Then I sighted a broom
On it sat a fat lice

It was a smite lice
It had a golden tiny wing
It looked a dice
The wing it used venom to fling

It stings merely by its looks
It looked like a bell
For long I took a look
After which it fell.
It was as light as a wool,
When in my hand I my hand I scooped.

About The Poet
Akano Ololade. 

Akano Ololade is a fourteen year old poet, author and playwright. She hails from Ibadan Oyo state Nigeria. She attended Iwo road Baptist School and she is currently studying at Shiloh High School, Monatan Ibadan. She loves writing drama, prose and poetry. The titles of some of her poems are: The Lice, The Bloody boy and Guinea fowl.

5.       The Ghost- Nelson (A Shakespearean Sonnet).
I played unconsciously away
With a friend’s dog
We missed our way
We were both wrong

We met a ghost
And we were afraid
The ghost was old
We sought for aid

The ghost let us free
We hastily thanked him
The dog and I quickly flee
And away we ran from him.

At dusk we found our way
We were missed when we went astray.

6.       The Boy and the Toy – Nelson. (A Shakespearean Sonnet).
There was a boy
He was prouder than a peacock
But he had a living toy.
Which could intelligently talk

The toy was big
And tirelessly it could play
It wore a wig
Its wig the boy daily plait.

The wig is beautifully dirty
The boy took a soap and a bowl
To wash away the grimy dirt
In the process he saw a foal

The foal was big
It was hung on a fig.

7.       The Phone - Nelson. (A patriarchal sonnet)
Now is a man
Driving alone downtown
In his can car
Then his phone fell down
This phone was big
And was very light
But it never rings
Always it is forever silent.

When he got home
He went to his room
And took his phone
With a feeling of doom
On a broom the Phone fell
And he cried till he swelled.
About The Poet.
Balogun Nelson. 

Balogun Nelson is an eleven year old poet and author. He hails from Edo State, Nigeria. He attended Strong Tower Group of schools for his primary school education and he is currently studying at Shiloh High School, Monatan Ibadan. He loves writing and reading. His three poems are tilted : The Ghost, The Phone Man and The Boy and The Toy.

8.       I saw a man- Chucks. (An Italian Sonnet)
He was as black as a charcoal
He likes a wealthy woman
He fell in among burning stones
In pains he heard a sound
Still he was offered a plate of rice
And he was given a wand
With which he set he escaped thrice.

He has a baby boy
And with the boy he went to an airport
His house was filled with oil
Yesterday he went to court
To complain against fight against the pool
After which he felt like a fool.

9.       The Foolish Man And The Boy – Chucks. (A Shakespearean sonnet).
The man is a fool.
In the night he senselessly sleeps
His water is sweet and cool
But he fills the water with feces

There was a man
Who has a bag
And in the bag, there was a fan
And the fan started to brag

The boy
Bought a book
With a big toy
And he took a look

After he took a look in a pool
He saw the fan at the bottom of the pool.

About The Poet.
Okeke Akachukwu 

Okeke Akachukwu is an eleven year old poet and writer. He attended Madonna Nursery and Primary school. He is currently studying at Shiloh High School, Monatan Ibadan. He loves reading and playing football.

Key Words.

future poets quotes
walt whitman future poets
past poets future voices
poems about future
poets for future siegburg
past poets future voices winners 2010


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