![]() |
Kim's pregnancy became obvious. |
(COntinued from the previous part)
you the husband of that lousy and lying woman?” the DPO asked sternly.
sir, she is indeed lousy and a liar. Please, release her to me and I’ll deal
with her at home. I have a six month’s old baby at home, this is why I am
pleading fro her release, and otherwise, I would have forgotten her here”
DPO thought for a while.
go and bring that woman” the DPO said and the inspector left. He returned
moments later with Mama Dada, she looked defiant and unrepentant.
you all think that you could cheat this poor girl and go scot free you better
think twice because laws of karma will catch up with you all….”
husband slapped her hard across the face, stopping her from what she was saying;
this seemed to please the DPO. He nodded in approval “You have done the right
thing sir. A sensible man must control his insensible wife” he said and
laughed. Other people there laughed with him except Kim, mama Dada and her
“Give the inspector
five thousand naira, that’s bail fee and let your wife sign an undertaken that
henceforth she will not lie against Mr. Sayid any longer” the DPO said.
sir, I thought bail is free. I didn’t come with any money because someone just
rushed to my work place to inform me that my wife had been locked up…”
is free, is fuel in our vehicles free too?” the DPO asked scornfully
“Inspector, return his wife to the cell and let her go when her husband pays
the bail fee” he said and dismissed them but Mr. Sam spoke up quickly.
worry about the bail fee Mr. Daud, you are good neighbours to us, I will pay
the bail fee” he said. Mr. Daud was very grateful.
see, the person your wife accuses is the one paying her bail fee” the DPO said
“How can such a good man do what your wife is saying he did?”
man and his wife were led out of the office.
the whole time, Kim had thought a lot about the offer and she had already made
up her mind.
back to you, what do you say?” The DPO asked impatiently.
will….gbo, drop all the charges
against him but I don’t need his blood money, God will judge him…gbo, gbo, gbo!!!” she said and stood up
to go but she was told to sit while a form was brought to her to sign. She read
the form with sadness and anger, knowing that by signing the form, she would be
dropping all the charges against him. After signing, she left the station with
a broken heart.
cried till she got home and throughout the night. All her neighbours stayed away from her. Mama
Dada made an effort to visit her but her handstand stopped her each time she tried,
with kicks and punches until her face was swollen and her teeth broken.
days later, Kim resumed selling on the highway. She tried to put the past
behind her and made up her mind not to dwell too much on the unfortunate
incidence. Soon she began to accept the fact that that was the way God wanted
it to be. She continued living in the house but her uncle had moved out a day
after the police station incidence and since then she had not heard from him.
He had not come himself, his elder sister had come and picked his things and
she had left without exchanging a word with Kim. No goodbye, no forwarding addresses.
bright Saturday morning, Kim was about to take her breakfast when she began to
feel queasy. She thought it was just a normal morning sickness and that it
would pass but it didn’t until she vomited. After cleaning up, she felt a
little better and decided as she left the house that she would go to the nearest
pharmacy store to get some drugs. Throughout the day, she felt light headed and
unusually hungry. She ate almost everything that she saw yet the hunger
the pharmacy, she bought a few self-recommended drugs and began to take them.
Her morning sickness however came on the third day again. This time, she was
already on the highway, selling to the driver of a bus when she threw up. Part
of the vomit escaped into the vehicle and the driver almost beat her for
messing up his bus until she was rescued from him by the female passengers
on board and fellow hawkers, yet she was made to clean the mess.
in the evening of that day, she headed to the pharmacy to complain that the
drugs that she had been given was not working.
you had met me when you first came, I wouldn’t have sold those drugs to you but
I cannot blame the attendant who sold them to you because that was what what
you requested for. Self medication is bad, especially when one has little or no
understanding of the drugs that one is using. However, this persistent morning
sickness is a symptom of a particular disease that I don’t pray that you have.”
The elderly owner of the pharmacy said. She was a retired nurse from one of
government’s hospital. A stethoscope hung around her fragile neck. “Here, pee
inside this contain” the old woman gave her a small container and showed her an
enclosed place where she could do that in private. She came back few minutes
later with the container and gave it to the old woman who put it on the table
and conducted a series of tests on her. She checked her eyelids, her
heartbeats, her palms and ankles and she finally ran a test on her urine. The
whole process took less than an hour. When she was done, removed her glasses
slowly and wiped them.
daughter, how old are you?” she asked
am thirteen ma”
where is your mother?”
is no more”
your father too?” she asked and Kim shook her head “Well, I have worked for
more than thirty five years as a nurse and I have treated more than a thousand
pregnant women and the symptoms are always the same. Without doubt or
hesitation, you are pregnant” She said and Kim broke down weeping, sitting on
the floor.
she finally left the pharmacy, after swearing and promising the old woman that
she wouldn’t do anything stupid, Kim felt suicidal. She had never felt more like killing herself
than then. Alone, she was barely surviving, how could she care for another
human being?
days later, she was able to get a daughter of a neighbour who was rumored win
the house and on the streets to be a prostitute, her name was Favour and she
was twenty five years old. In the past, Kim always shunned her and avoided her company
but now, Favour was the only one that Kim knew could help her without telling
anyone. That night, she had invited the lady into her room and locked the door
from inside. When Kim told her what she wanted, Favour had feigned anger and
made you think that I know where such things are done?” she asked aloud and Kim
had to beg her to lower her voice because other neighbours may be hearing them.
After much pleas however, she consented. “Well, I have never done it before you
know, but I had a friend who did it then
and I will ask her for the details and tell you everything as soon as possible”
thanked her and they had parted way. The following day, the landlord came again
and told Kim that the rent for the room had expired since the previous month
and that she should pay up or start looking for another house. When she
inquired how much the rent would cost, her heart sank because at that time, she
couldn’t afford it. By then, it was clear to her that her only salvation was to
go back to the Smiths for assistance but before then, she had a little issue to take care of.
came back four days later. By then, Kim was behind herself with worries and
apprehensions because the pregnancy was already becoming noticeable. Her
stomach was already growing and her ankles were getting swollen.
have gotten the number of the doctor, he will help you” Favour said immediately
she came into the room. “But this must be a secret between me and you, okay? My
parents must not know and more importantly, our nosy neighbours must not know”
will know anything. So like how much will this cost?”
doctor said ten thousand naira” Favour said “but I was able to haggle the price
till he agreed to collect seven thousand naira instead. He said the money must
be completed before the operation began”
good is this doctor?” Kim asked. She had heard a lot about teenagers who had
aborted pregnancies before and died due to poor medical attention. She didn’t
want to be on that list.
is good, he had helped me too one or two times in the past and he helped a
friend of mine so many times that we both lost count” she said and laughed but
Kim didn’t find it funny. She found it disturbing.
could someone be so careless for so many times? Where is that friend of yours
now, Aunt Favour, is she married and does her husband know what she had done?”
is dead now though”
what killed her?” Kim asked, greatly concerned.
last one. But hey, enough of these pasts, when will your money be ready so that
you can get rid of this thing as soon as possible? It is already showing, you
must get rid of it before it becomes too late.”
following day at work, Kim was a shadow of her usual self. Her heart was
beating madly and the thought of the baby growing inside her filled her with
dread. What really scared her however was how to raise the money to terminate
the pregnancy. Though her business now worth ten thousand naira, yet it may
take days or weeks before she could be able to sell everything and raised the
money. So she was filled with all these thoughts that afternoon when she absent
mindedly walked into the middle of the busy road.
car coming from the direction of Apapa at neck breaking speed was passing
through the middle lane; it was in a hurry to cheat other vehicles and escape
the hold up that was already building. Because the driver couldn’t see far ahead,
he didn’t see Kim until the bus was on her and Kim too was too lost in her thoughts
to notice the vehicle until it was too late. The bus hit her hard and rolled her on the
floor. Suddenly, noise broke out as people ran to the place to rescue her.
Among the babble of voices, several women could be heard, wailing.
was rushed to the nearest hospital inside one of the sympathizer’s car. At the
hospital, the doctor and the nurses on duty quickly swing into action and began
resuscitating her. One after the other, all the sympathizers left except one
who stayed at the reception as the doctors worked on her at ICU. Some hours
later when she was declared safe and
wheeled into a ward for recuperation, the man was still there at the reception,
pacing the floors to and fro. He was finally allowed to see Kim the following
day. He was happy that she only sustained few injuries which was considered lucky.
you her father sir? I must say that your daughter is very lucky indeed because
she only sustained few injuries and the baby inside her is safe as well!” the
lady doctor said, beaming at the man.
am not her father though I just happen to know her through a friend. All the
same, thank you for saving her life and did you say she is pregnant?”
sir, she is” the doctor affirmed. “Though at her age, I consider that most
inappropriate” the doctor said.
as baffled as you doctor but thank you all the same, I will settle the bill
when I’m going” he said and the doctor exited the ward. He sat on a chair
nearby and began to watch the sleeping Kim. Despite her age, deep lines were etched
over her forehead and her visage was frowned even in sleep as if she was thinking
in her sleep. After an hour, she stretched and yawned and woke up. The man
remained seated on the chair while he allowed her to come to full
are you?” he asked when her eyes finally rested questioningly on him.
am fine, who are you and where am I?” Kim asked, she made an effort to sit up
on the bed but the IV that was hooked to her body became tangled so she decoded
to lie back down.
(To Be Continued)
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5 consequences of teenage pregnancy
5 facts about teenage pregnancy
5 causes of teenage pregnancy
5 myths about teenage pregnancy
5 effects of teenage pregnancy
5 question about teenage pregnancy
5 articles about teenage pregnancy
5 challenges of teenage pregnancy
5 reasons for teenage pregnancy
teenage pregnancy in the 60s
6 causes of teenage pregnancy
6 consequences of teenage pregnancy
final fantasy 6 teenage pregnancy
6 effects of teenage pregnancy
6 strategies to address teen pregnancy
6 strategies to prevent teenage pregnancy
teenage pregnancy in the 70s
7 effects of teenage pregnancy on the family
7 questions about teenage pregnancy
7 causes of teenage pregnancy
7 effects of teenage pregnancy
teenage pregnancy esp 8
teenage pregnancy in region 8
teenage pregnancy in the 80s
esp 8 teenage pregnancy
8 causes of teenage pregnancy
8 effects of teenage pregnancy
teenage pregnancy 8
teenage pregnancy grade 9
teenage pregnancy in the 90's
90210 teenage pregnancy
9 ways to prevent teenage pregnancy
Thank God that she did not die when the accident occurred!
ReplyDeleteWe are so happy that you are enjoying the story.
ReplyDeletePlease where is part 7 of this story?
ReplyDeleteI think you should search for it on the blog.
DeleteYeah, search for it on the blog