University Of Ilorin. 
I came across this information on whatsapp and I feel that it is compulsory to share it with those candidates who are seeking admission to UNILORIN. Please read this carefully.

"Dear aspirants, Unilorin Post UTME commences on the 29th of this month which is just few days to go, stop reading irrelevant things and stop concentrating on downloaded PQs that's compiled by internet users. Get yourself acquainted with the necessary materials, guidelines and information and you're good to go.

 Please be informed that Unilorin Post UTME cut across English, Basic Mathematics and Current Affairs. Therefore, we advice you to read widely on the aforementioned subjects  as Unilorin doesn't  really repeat much questions because of her wealth of well grounded GNS lecturers.

English is the central focus for the screening as you're expected to answer 40 out of 50 questions for English hence you need more attention in this area. Hence, for *ENGLISH Read extensively on:

*Rules of Pronoun*
*Adjectival and Adverbial Order*
*Oral English*
*Sentence Detachment*
*Word Classes Examples*  *Punctuation Marks*
*Spellings*  *Interpretations*
*Characteristics of Writing Essays or Letters.*

 _And other touching topics in *Use of English*. Make very good use of Dele Ashade textbooks or Barrister Oscar Izeyor Fundamental Formulas of the English Language._

 _For MATHEMATICS Don't be scared, just know the Basics. Such as:_

 *Word Problem*
 *Linear Equations*
*Percentage & Percentage Error*
_among other cunning areaa_

 For *_CURRENT AFFAIRS_* . It's actually general and it cut across the following themes:

*Nigerian History*
*Unilorin History*
*Ilorin History*
*State And Capitals*
*State and Slogans/Motto*
*Hierarchy of Forces*
*Resources in Nigerian Areas,*
*Contemporary Nigeria's Politics*
*Mountains & Forest*
*Seas & Oceans*
_among other touching area_
 Employ this tips. May God crown your effort in Jesus name

Thank you......."
 For further enquiries please send me a private message or drop your questions below this post.  Wishing you best of luck.

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