A 3d picture of renewable natural resources.

Natural resources are materials or substances that occur in nature which can be exploited for economic gains or benefits. There are two distinct types of natural resources, these are;
Renewable natural resources
Nonrenewable natural resources
For the purpose of this study, we shall be talking extensively about the first one; Renewable natural resources. Renewable natural resources are resources or energies which will replenish to replace the portion depleted by usage and consumption, either through natural reproduction or other recurring processes in a finite amount of time in a human time scale. Simply put, renewable natural resources are those that can be replaced by nature over time or through the conscious efforts of human beings.
Furthermore, renewable natural resources are those natural resources that replenish back after it has been used by man, animals or natural elements within a period of time. According to Paul Alfred Weiss, renewable natural resources is the total range of living organisms that provides life, energy, fiber etc. for man.
 Renewable natural resources are:
Solar energy : the sun
Hydro energy
Wind energy
Air and

3D piture of a renewable natural resource.

All these energies mentioned above are very vital part of our existence. Yet all these renewable natural resources are endangered by man’s actions, especially in Africa. Though the more industrialized societies of the world are at great risk of polluting or out rightly depleting these energies through their industrial activities, yet Africa is at greater risk because these energies, when used in Africa are oftentimes abused and destroyed.
 Africa once boasted the largest natural forests in the world but the case is different today. Through logging activities, our forests are fast disappearing and there is desert encroachment annually in different parts of the continent.
Our waters have been polluted over the years through indiscriminate fishing and poaching activities by fellow Africans and even foreigners These are some of the consequences of the indiscriminate use of these renewable natural resources:
Extinction of wildlife
Environmental pollution.
Drastic decrease in agricultural production.
Depletion of the ozone layer and biogas.
Outbreak of diseases and many more.
What Can African Leaders Do to Salvage This Situation?
The solutions to these problems are rather long term but in Africa, long term goals are in most countries, nonexistent. Government policies in Africa hardly ever lived beyond the tenure of the government who formulated such policies; this is why the continent currently is grappling with under development. However, if I were a leader in any African country, I would take these proactive measures to combat depletion of renewable energy or resources to foster socio economic development:
Wind energy picture.

Establishment of industries at rural areas to combat rural-urban migration: many rural areas in Africa today are ghost villages (a ghost village is the one that has been abandoned and no one lives them any longer though it was formerly thriving with all forms of life). Yet, fifty years ago, many of these villages were thriving agricultural communities. I remember when I was a child; my grandfather had many farms in a farming community then. This community contained more than fifty huts with over twenty families living there. During long holidays at school, those of us who were living with him would go to this village to help out on his farms. Sometimes we spent months in this community before we come back home after the school resumes. Two years ago when I visited this community, there was no one living there anymore. This is a true reflection of our rural areas; a sad tale.

Provision of aids to farmers, fishermen and loggers- Farmers in Africa use very harmful chemicals (they call them fertilizers) to increase their crops yield. If these chemicals help at all to increase the yield, their long term effects on the soil are damaging. African leaders should make available to farmers, fertilizers, farm machines and loans at affordable rates to fast track farming activities in the region.
Periodic education: Many people do not know the effects of the things that they do as long as they get paltry sums of money for the depletion of these resources. Educating them will help.

Formulation and implementation of agricultural friendly policies: African leaders should formulate policies that make farming an easy lucrative profession in Africa. If these policies are put in place, youths all over the continent will be encouraged to go full time into farming if farming pays as much as being a lawyer or a doctor and it does not involve huge capital or hard bureaucratic processes.

Creation of employment opportunities: Many people who engage in activities that deplete or destroy these renewable energies do such things because they have no means of livelihood, though they have been educated. So, providing job opportunities will reduce the strain and over reliance on the exploitation of these resources.

Passing of bills on the protection of these natural resources: Finally, bills on the protection of these resources should be passed into law in each African country. And as a matter of urgency, it should be enforced and poaching activities should be deemed illegal.

 Anyone who hunts or logs trees without permission from the authorities should be made to face the punishments as seen fit by the constitution of the country where such crimes occur.

In conclusion, when we do the things mentioned above can we truly have sustainable natural resources. Thank you.

sustainable use of the renewable natural resources for fostering socio-economic transformation
sustainable management of renewable natural resources
how to promote sustainable use of the renewable natural resources
sustainable use of renewable and nonrenewable natural resources such as water and minerals
sustainable use of renewable and nonrenewable natural resources


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