Virginity is a pride, not something to be ashamed of... Dear Teenager, keep Your Virginity Picture. Once upon a time, every is proud to talk about their virginity in the open in fact you'll be too ashamed to say you've had sex outside marriage but in this our age it's a crime to say you're still a virgin people will see you as being old fashioned. But the good news is this the Holy book says the bed must be kept untouched and that bed is you my precious sweetheart. You're valued you're celebrated and highly favored of the Lord and that is why God said he that finds you finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord can you beat that. Don't let anyone deceive you to go into fornication; many people have their funny reasons for going into fornication but may I tell you that no reason is worth making one go into it. As a lady you have so many things to lose than you stand to gain. That is the simple truth. There is this mantra that goes round n...