TEF 2019 Candidates List.


Very painful I guess.
If you applied for TEF grants 2019 but was not shortlisted, I sympathize with you. Especially if your idea is so bright and wonderful that it fills your head till you feel as if your head will explode from the sheer intensity of it.
This is one of the sound lessons in life. Most times in this life, we don't get what our hearts desperately desires. A lot of forces could be blamed for this. It could be:
1. Spiritual (If you are the religious type)
2. Luck (If you are religious as well)
3. Your fate  (If you are the type who believes in such).
4. Your Mistake.

Of the four (4) points listed above, I'll only talk about the last one (I'm too practical to believe so strongly about the other three, they are for the religious).

  One of the reasons why you were probably not considered for this year's grant could be as a result of  what you have done wrong in the process of the application or what you didn't do at all. I'll explain.

To start with, you might not have been considered for the grant this year if your business or your business idea lacks the financial credibility and the promises of breaking through, don't forget, your application would have been keenly scrutinized and considered by business experts and financial gurus. They could wrong. Yeah, but their chances of being wrong is far lesser than the chances of your proposed business breaking through. So go back to the drawing board. Disassemble your plans and start building again. Fill the application correctly and with genuine information then wait till next year because you have another chance to apply.

Secondly, the rejection of your application could be as a result of what you didn't do. Simple, right? You see, you could fill all the columns in the application and use up all the words limit and still  leave things undone or questions unanswered. So you see, it is not about writing super stories, it is about filling the application with _required_ information.

When I received the mail notification that the list was out, I almost had heart attack because my heart was beating madly. This is my first time of applying for this and I desperately need this grant to execute the plan. So I must have been among the first ten people to check the list. No joke.  But......

I was not shortlisted!

I was stunned because I was already finding the building that I'd use for the business and was talking to people that were part of my plans, telling them the roles they will play in the plan.

That night, I was mad at God for making things hard for me and that I had to go extra miles before I could get even the simplest things achieved. I even made a post on my whatsapp status about it that night.
The following day, I came to the realization that I didn't even know that TEF existed until three months back and that I had my plans and how to achieve them until I was told to apply for TEF grants. So what is wrong with going with my plan A? Then I calmed down and decided to pursue the plans I had earlier.  I went through the list of the shortlisted candidates and hooked up with some of them on social media, asking them questions about how they applied and if I had done something wrong while applying. They all said same thing, "I answered the questions accordingly and that's all". Of all the three that I talked to, two of them had applied before and were not granted. They applied again this year and were considered. This gave me hope. So I can try again?!Life is beautiful, isn't it? If a plan fails, there is always a room for another to succeed.
Finally, I am making this post as someone who is perhaps like you- not shortlisted but I have pushed it behind me. You should do the same. Get over it and move on. Who knows, the financial assistance that you need to get that business started may not eventually come through TEF. This is the reality of life.
P. S: To TEF, you are an inspiration to we the young ones who are coming up and we are proud of the job that you do. One day, when I have been established financially enough, I'll this fire burning by imitating your foundation- helping the upstart to get established in the world. The world needs more people like you. Thank you for bringing smiles to thousands of families all over the world.
O. Oromidayo,
Writer and Blogger.


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Tony Elumelu, Founder of TEF.


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