Law making process in one of the developed democracies in the world.

1.   Sine dine in the legislature means …………………………………………..
2.   ------------------- is the head of the Nigerian Judiciary.
3. an act of formally ending a law, an agreement or custom
4.   ……………….The action of ending or discontinuing a legislative or parliamentary session without dissolving it.
5.   …………………………… negates the principle of separation of power
6.   In a confederation, the constituency that a member of legislature represents is a/an………………
7.   The office of the warrant chiefs was created during the colonial era in the …………… region.
8.   NEPAD was adopted during OAU summit in………………………………….
9.   ……………………….. Party system was practiced in Nigeria in the 3rd republic.
10.                 In the just concluded presidential election, who was the chairman of INEC that conducted the election?
11.               The highest policy making under the Gowon regime in Nigeria was……………………………….
12.               ……………………………….. led to the workers strike of 1945?
13.               The first executive president of Nigeria is ____________________
14.               Case laws are made by ____________________
15.               Gerrymandering is ________________________________________________________?
16.               The Grand Khadi is _________________________________________________
17.               In 1959, the highest court of appeal in Nigeria was _______________________?
18.               Lagos was first amalgamated with the southern protectorate in ……………………………………….
19.               Habeas corpus refers to _____________________________________
20.               Writ of Mandamus refers to _____________________________________________
21.               The commission that conducted elections during the second republic was ___________
22.               The body that makes byelaws, collect taxes, draft bills and assist govt in day to day activities is _______________
23.               NURTW is an example of ___________ pressure group
24.               The pressure group that utilizes violence, arson, assassinations to air their aims and Obj is ________________
25.               The first conference of the non-aligned movement was held in __________

1. Adjournment sine die (from the Latin "without day") means "without assigning a day for a further meeting or hearing". To adjourn an assembly sine die is to adjourn it for an indefinite period. A legislative body adjourns sine die when it adjourns without appointing a day on which to appear or assemble again.

2. The answer is the Chief Justice of the federation. Do not confuse this with Attorney General of the federation, the two offices are different. The difference between Chief Justice of the federation and the attorney general of the federation is that the former is the political head of the judiciary while the latter is the professional head of the judiciary.

3. Abrogation

4. Prorogation.

5. Delegated legislation.

6. A state or a nation-state.

7. Eastern part of Nigeria.

8.Lusaka Zambia, 2001.

9. Two Part system.

10. Prof Yakubu Mahmood.

11. Supreme Military Council.

12. Increase in the standard of living.

13. Sheu Shagari.

14. Judiciary or judges of the Nigerian courts.

15. he dividing of a state, county, etc., into election districts so as to give one political party a majority in many districts while concentrating the voting strength of the other party into as few districts as possible.

16. The head of the sharia court.

17. The Privy council

18. 1906

19.  Is a writ which issues out of a court of competent jurisdiction, when a person is sued in an inferior court, commanding the inferior judges to produce the body of the defendant, together with the day and cause of his caption and detainer, (whence this writ is frequently denominated habeas corpus cum causa) to do and receive whatever the court or the judge issuing the writ shall consider in that behalf.

20. writ of mandamus is an order by a court to a lesser government official to perform an act required by law, which he has refused or neglected to do.


22. The Civil Service.

23. Occupational pressure group.

24. Anomic

25. Belgrade, Yugoslavia 1951.

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