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. “WOW!” She exclaimed “So I did the right after all. You are good looking now that you’ve barbed your hair and nice up” “Thank you ma!” I smiled and blushed under my dark skin. When I was through in the evening, she drove me back to Uncle Nat’s residence in Ikorodu. He was at home by the time we got back there. I went to the library and she went upstairs to meet him. I was halfway into the book I was reading when I heard Uncle Nat’s voice shouting and scolding her. I paused and listened. He was asking her why she gave me his cloths without his consent. All the while, she was apologizing and begging him to lower his voice but he kept rambling on and on. Somewhere in the middle of his heated anger, he said something that finally pissed her off and she told him pointedly never to say such thing to her again and that she would buy the things she gave me back for him in ten folds if that would make him happy. This last statement finally detonated his volcanic anger. I heard three slaps in quick succession from where I sat embarrassed, ashamed and sad but I didn’t know who slapped who. I knew barely thirty seconds later because she ran down the stairs to the living room which was just adjacent to the library where I hunched up in a corner, wishing that I was dead or I was never born. She was sobbing quietly and holding her cheek with her hand. I know I shouldn’t be listening in to the conversation but it was hard and impossible not to. Even when I shoved my fingers deep into my ear holes, I still heard everything clearly and my heart was vibrating madly as if it would jump out of my chest. I felt like walking up the stairs to his room and tell him off and drop his cloths on the floor but that was the worst thing I could do in such circumstances. Apart from being fired at that moment, I would not leave peacefully without being physically attacked. If he could attack Miss April who is so precious and angelic, how much more i?. o shoved my pride back into my heart and hung my head in shame and frustration, asking God why I had to be poor to be treated that way. I heard her sped out of the compound and not long after, Uncle Nat stormed down into the silent library with kindled anger. “Listen up you, next time you use your beggar attitude just to rouse sympathy and cause probs around here, I’ll skin you alive and I will make you lick the floor of this house with your tongue till I’m satisfied and I will collect the money I lent you more than I actually gave and then you will be sorry for the rest of your life that you messed up with me.” He balled his palms into hard fists and clenched his teeth tightly over his urge to hit me hard on the face and knock me unconscious till His kingdom come but somehow he didn’t. instead he spat on me and stormed out just as he had stormed in. it all happened very fast; less than a minute. I sat back on the chair, my head lolled back against the headrest and staring vacantly at the ceiling and wishing I could see beyond it and look God in the eyes and ask him why He is so unfair. Two silent tears strutted to my eyes and rolled down sadly on my cheeks. About a minute later, other staff came into the library one after the other after making sure that our boss was nowhere around. They tiptoed around with exaggerated carefulness like a tight rope walker “That was very serious.” The chef who cooks nothing but gossip said. “But you are too forward to say the truth. Are you the only staff here? When did you come that you are already destabilizing a peaceful milieu? Why must it be you that they would be fighting over? All of us know our boundaries and we seldom pass them but you……” “I’ve warned you before to take it easy…” the gate/security man began but I walked away from them both. They were the last people that I would talk to. I’d rather confront my boss than to talk to those two busybodies For the next four weeks, nothing happened. My boss was still mad at me. Every time I greet him he would just ignore me completely and scold me unnecessarily so that within those four weeks, I became really fed up and tired of that place and I started telling the few friends I had to help me get another job. I knew if I don’t quit he would sack me but if I want to quit, I still owed him forty thousand naira. On the last day of the fourth week, he came to where I was washing his car for the second time that morning and gave me an envelope. He told me that my salary was in the envelope with additional twenty thousand naira. He said that my appointment had been terminated immediately I finished washing the car. I collected the envelope and thanked him. I wanted to beg and apologize but the expression on his face warned me not to so I let it slide as I shoved it into my pockets. I left his house twenty minutes later. Another cleaner was employed the next day. The bible says that in everything we must learn to give thanks to God. Also I have a habit of bringing out the good side of every bad situation. What Uncle Nat has done really surprised me. i thought of the money I was owing him and the money he still gave me despite everything. I got another job the following week. This time not as a cleaner but as a sales rep of packaged plantain chips on the highway. The salary was lousy; it was on commission. The number of chips that I’m able to sell determines my income. I carried each sachet at the rate of forty naira and sell it for fifty naira so my diligence would determine how much I’m able to rake in each day. Therefore, I worked very hard at this so that I could be able to finance our family. I usually left home by 4:30 am each day and arrive back home around 9pm including Sundays. My sibs began to grumble about my long absences from them but I tried to make them understand that it’s either I work myself into oblivion or the family would starved to death. It took them three months to get used t it and Seyi now assumed the role of the mother in the family by waking up by 5 am each morning, was the cloths, prepare food, and get her younger ones ready for school. Sometimes she would wake up as early as 4 am and prepare food so that I could eat out of it by the time I leave for work by 5. I felt sad and sorry for her that as young as she is, she had to take up that kind of heavy load on her young shoulders but I realized that if I continue to protect my sibs from the hardships that we were passing through, we can’t succeed because each member of that family has a role and a responsibility to perform for the common good of all of us. By then Seyi was already in SS2, Reuben was in JSS 3 and Eliza was about to write her common entrance examination. About 9 months after I’d left Mr. Nat’s house, was on the Oshodi-Apapa expressway one day , attending to a customer when one of my co-sellers on the road ran up to me with his carton of galas. His name was Dammy “Hey!” He said breathlessly “There is a customer calling you at the other side of the road. When you are through go and see her” he said and walked away. When I was through attending to the customer I was attending to, I ran quickly to where he had pointed to me. I was happy that I was about to make a big and tippy sale (a tippy sale is the one where a rich customer purchase something from you, overpay you for that thing and even tip you. It was every street hawker’s prayer to find such luck). I walked to where a brand new and exotic convertible KIA sport car was parked with its tinted glass. People were already gathering and gaping at the car and somehow someone had given it a name. He said the car’s name is Flying Devil that it can make itself bigger or shrink in size if it wants to and that it can run as fast as some airplanes. I knew all what he said were lies but many people believed him. “Buy plantain chips!!!” I hollered as I got nearer to the driver’s side. The glass wound down automatically to reveal Aunt April who sat behind the wheel! I almost ran mad with joy. It’s been almost a year since I set my eyes on her. I haven’t seen her even long before I was disemployed by Uncle Nat. “Wow! Aunt April!” I cried excitedly. This car is really beautiful!” I said “Did you just buy it?”

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