Thank God It's Friday!

Here is an excerpt from one of my books :  Angel Of Hope. Read and enjoy

Its been six months since we packed to our rooms. Mums condition grew worse but weve all come to learn to live with it. She seldom eat. Most times I have to spoon-feed her to prevent her from starving to death. Whatever was bothering her, she didnt tell us. She kept to herself and talked to no one. During the 6 months, I sat for another exam and I made the remaining papers but since Ive assumed the position of the family bread winner and manager, I couldnt dream of pursuing higher education until my mother comes back to her former self and take the family burden off my young shoulders.
One fateful Tuesday morning, we got up as usual and began preparing for school and work place when Elizabeth rushed in screaming incoherently. At first, we all ignored her because she used to overact sometimes. But we started paying attention when we continued hearing mummy in her cries.
Lizzy, whats wrong? I asked finally, irritated that I have to spend a couple of minutes out of my limited time listening to her nonsensical gibbering.
Mum She cried. I left her and rushed into the bedroom where mum and the girls were sleeping, Reuben and I were sleeping in the living room. When I got into her room, mum was rolling on the floor, holding her head in painful gasps. Blood was already trickling down her nostrils.
We rushed her to the nearby hospital. After that, I shooed my sibs to school with pleading and a little bit of force. When they have gone, I sat patiently at the reception, expecting the doctor to come and tell me what Id been dreading for months. I thought hard and long about it. Though I didnt want it to, but what if mum dies and leave me to assume the role of parents to my sibs? Suppose it happens, what will I do? If it happens, that would be the end  of my academic career. I didnt know when I slept off on the chair at the hospitals reception.
Hey Youngman, wake up The doctor said and I opened my eyes. So Ive been dreaming all along? The dream was ok. In it my mum got well and was hired back at work. We got our house back, blah, blah, blah I sprang up quickly.
Doc, thank you! Shes okay now right? I asked excitedly but he shook his head.
Im sorry. Your mother didnt help us. She simply surrendered and didnt fight her illness. She is gone.
I wanted to cry, maybe scream or roared or tear something or someone to pieces to expend the burning pain I felt within but I felt numb and lifeless so that I couldnt move. I felt dizzy and almost fall down before the doctor grabbed me and sat me down gently on the chair. So this is it? This is the beginning of the end for us? How are we ever going to survive?

The rain has been falling since midnight and it was still falling by the time we left the church with the casket. The ambulance driver seemed sad not because of our mums death  (because thats his profession and he was used to driving dead people anyway) but because of the bad- untarred road that led to the public cemetery. Twice he alighted  from the vehicle inside the pelting rain and seemed to be fixing something with one of the tires. All the while, my sibs and I were on the backseat of our Parish pastors rickety old car that looked as if it would fall to pieces if it goes a step further (but it has been looking that way since I was a small boy and it has not fallen to pieces yet).
We got to the cemetery a little bit later that it would have taken under normal circumstances. Revd. Jacobs (Our parish pastor) refused to use umbrella like the other mourners but he instead gave an offhand brilliant sermon that brought salty tears to our eyes and let them mingle with the chilling rain water.
What is the use of umbrella against the rain when some day we will be inside the ground six feet below with nothing but a piece of white cloth? Why do we waste so much time on this perishable flesh instead of preparing our souls for the journey to the eternity? he said and people began to cry loudly. I didnt know I was crying too till one of mums co-workers patted my back to comfort me.

Three months after mums death, weve been doing well. My sibs were doing well in school  and they were getting used to the fact that mummy that went into the sky like daddy did would never come back again. On the other hand, I was not doing so well at work because I was getting query everyday (especially at the law firm) for coming late. I knew I was wrong but I couldnt help it. No matter how early I woke up or how late I turned in for bed at night, Ill still be late. The firm then gave me warning for a week to change or my appointment would be terminated.
I didnt change because I had to take care of my sibs and make sure that they


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