Happy weekend everyone in this community! As part of our continuing effort to build a strong and stable community, we have loads of opportunities for you. Here are some scholarship opportunities for you and and your friends, please do not forget to follow us by email.

Fully Funded AfriPlantSci Summer School Scholarships for Early Career Researchers in Kenya, 2019
- Alliance for Accelerated Crop Improvement in Africa
Applications are invited for AfriPlantSci Summer School Scholarships for Early Career Researchers in Kenya. This is a 2-week, residential program, which gives an interactive learning experience to researchers. ACACIA will train, support and mentor the African and UK crop research […]

Heart and Stroke Foundation South Africa (HSFSA) Research Grants for Africans, 2018
- Heart and Stroke Foundation South Africa (HSFSA)
The Heart and Stroke Foundation South Africa launches Research Grants for the year 2018. This grant is available for African students. The Foundation aims to support innovative research projects that pursue novel hypotheses and with ground-breaking potential. The Heart and […]

Full-Time Doctoral Scholarships for Sub-Saharan Africans at Stellenbosch University in South Africa, 2019
- Stellenbosch University (SU), South Africa
The Stellenbosch University (SU) is delighted to announce full-time doctoral scholarships in the Graduate School of Social Science, for the year 2019. Suitable candidates who are citizens of any sub-Saharan African country are invited to apply. Stellenbosch University (SU) is […]

UCT HPI-CS4A PhD Studentships in Computer Science for African Students in South Africa, 2018
- University of Cape Town, Department of Computer Science, South Africa
The new HPI-CS4A PhD Studentships in the field of Computer Science within the Department of Computer Science at the University of Cape Town in South Africa. This studentship is available for students from African continent. The University of Cape Town, […]

Fully Funded Undergraduate Scholarships at Earth University in USA, 2019
- The Leventis Foundation, Nigeria
The Leventis Foundation is pleased to offer Undergraduate Scholarship in Sustainable Agriculture to study at the Earth University Costa Rica for the year 2018. Nigerian applicants are eligible to apply for these scholarships. The Leventis Foundation Nigeria was established in […]

#OpenSocietySA25 Commemorative Postgraduate Scholarships for African Students, 2018
- Open Society Foundation for South Africa
The new #OpenSocietySA25 Commemorative Scholarships is now available to South African nationals/African permanent residents/African registered asylum seekers. OSF-SA works through a unique combination of both grant-making and advocacy. This is supported by strategic research, demonstration projects, convening on niche issues, […]

14 Women for Africa Foundation Visiting Senior Research Fellowships in Spain, 2018
- Women for Africa Foundation
The Women for Africa Foundation is calling applications from African Women to apply for its six month Visiting Science by Women programme Fellowship to be taken at various Centers in Spain. The Women for Africa Foundation is a private entity […]

10 Wits African Union Master Scholarships in Epidemiology, South Africa
- University of the Witwatersrand, School of Public Health, South Africa
Applications are invited for up to 10 African Union Scholarships for the Masters Programme in Epidemiology at the University of the Witwatersrand, School of Public Health for the 2019 Academic Year. The Africa CDC will provide full scholarships for ten […]

2018 Scholarships for Postdoctoral Short-Term Research Visits, Germany
- LOEWE Centre DRUID, Germany
The LOEWE Centre DRUID (Novel Drug Targets against Poverty-Related and Neglected Tropical Infectious Diseases) in partnership with the African Research Network for Neglected Tropical Diseases (ARNTD) is inviting applications for scholarships for postdoctoral short-term research visits to the LOEWE Centre […]
Digital Earth Research Fellowship for Artists and Designers in Africa and Asia, 2018
- Digital Earth
The new 6 months long Digital Earth Research Fellowship is available on offer for artists and designers. This fellowship is available for the students from Asia and Africa. The fellowship is aimed at artists and designers at a stage in […]

African Union Kwame Nkrumah Awards for Scientific Excellence (AUKNASE) in Africa, 2018
- African Union
The new African Union Kwame Nkrumah Awards for Scientific Excellence (AUKNASE): Continental & Regional Awards are available for African Scientist for the year 2018. The objective is to give out science awards to top African scientists for their achievements and […]

Academic Mobility for Africans Sustainable Scholarships for MSc and PhD in Ethiopia, 2018-2019
- African Railway Center of Excellence (ARCE) Addis Ababa Institute of Technology, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia
Applications are invited for scholarships for MSc and PhD in Railway Engineering at Addis Ababa University for the 2018-2019 academic year. African Railway Center of Excellence (ARCE) is one of the African Center of Excellence II projects supported by the […]

Academic Mobility for African Sustainable Development/AMAS Master and PhD Scholarships, 2018/19
- Academic Mobility for African Sustainable Development/AMAS
Academic Mobility for African Sustainable Development/AMAS Master and PhD Scholarships is now available for the academic year 2018-2019. This scholarship is available for young Africans. The scheme aims to promote sustainable development and ultimately contribute to poverty reduction by increasing […]

Dr Alex Ekwueme Commemorative Scholarships for Nigerian Students in UK, 2018
- University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom
The Faculty of Engineering at Strathclyde is delighted to offer Dr Alex Ekwueme Scholarship for a Nigerian student planning to commence their postgraduate taught programme in engineering from September 2018. The University of Strathclyde is a public research university located […]
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